•Violetposion• Who's the best?

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Highschool AU
Yes! They have powers!
Tox and Camille are arguing about who's the best YouTuber

Camille's POV

I love Tox, yes! But now she's really, REALLY pissing me off! "LAURENZSIDE!" I yell. "BIJUU MIKE!" She yells back. I try to lunge myself at her but she dodges me before Turner runs up to us. "Whatchu girls arguing about?" he asks. "WHO'S THE BEST YOUTUBER? LAURENZSIDE OR BIJUU MIKE???" "Psh! You both suck! GACHA MIKE!" ARE. YOU. KIDDING MEEEEE? "HE AND BIJUU MIKE IS THE SAME FRICKING PERSON!" "NO, THEY'RE NOOOOOOOTTTT" Both Tox and Turner answers. "What the heck is going on?" Jay asks. "Did I hear Bijuu mike?" "YES!" Tox exclaims. "HES THE BEST YOUTUBER RIGHT?" "Uhm... I like DanTDM..." "HE'S A BITCH!" she answers. "WHAT?" Jay snaps, charging his powers at her. "HE'S BEEN IGNORING HIS OWN BROTHER FOR YEARS!!!" "DO YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THAT?" We all yell. "THEY'RE NOT TWINS!" "YES THEY ARE! IT'S HEARTBREAKING TO LISTEN TO BIJJU'S STORIES!!!" Turner facepalms and runs away to get his computer. "LOOK AT THIS! DANTDM LITERALLY SAYS HE DOESN'T HAVE A TWIN! PLUS, THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE THEY'RE RELATED!!!" "THEY BOTH HAVE DIED HAIR!" "Ohhh! SO LAURENZSIDE AND BIJUU MIKE ARE RELATED???" "I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THAT!" "CHHHIIIIILLLLLLDDDDRRRRREEEEEEENNNNNN!" The teacher yells. "DETENTION! ALL. OF. YOU!" "GREAT WORK TOX!" "WHAT? THIS IS TURNER'S FAULT!" "NO, IT'S JAY'S!!!" "WILL EVERYONE JUST SHUT THEIR GODDAM MOUTHS???" Skylor yells from her desk. "IT'S YOUR FAULT ALL OF YOU!"

Turner's POV

This is defiantly Cammille's fault! How can she like that Lauren? Gacha mike Is the best NO question! Why does everyone think he and Bijuu mike are the same person? THEY'RE ENEMIES! They do two TOTALLY different things! Gacha mike does AWESOME gacha challenges and Bijuu mike plays games! Okay, I admit tgat I like him too but NOT as much as I like Gacha mike! If they were in a competition like pewdiepie and T-series I would unsubscribe to Bijuu mike to make sure Gacha mike had my vote!

Tox's POV

Why can't Camille accept that green is better than purple? Bijuu mike's the BEST! I feel so bad for him with his selfish brother! Hmm... I know! I should write fanfiction about their childhood! Okay, where to start? When they were toddlers! I start writing and continues to when they were teenagers when Camille interrupts me. "Grow up Tox! They're NOT twins!" I peek my tongue out at her. I'm NOT falling for that! "Are you writing a fanfiction?" "Ehm... NOPE!" I close my book and puts it in my bag quickly before she reads it. "Look Tox... I hate arguing with my girlfriend so... Can we write a fanfiction together?" "About what?" I frown. "Laurenzside AND Bijuu mike! It will be called: From enemies to Lovers! What do you think?" What do I think? Hmmm... "Sounds good... No, wait! IT'S THE BEST IDEA EVEEEEEERRRRR! Let's START!" "Uhm... Guys!" Jay frowns. "Where's our teacher?" "Let's just say she had to go to the bathroom!" I smirk. "But you can sit beside me Camille so we can start writing!" "Sure, dibs on writing Laurens chapters!" she smiles and gives me a soft peek on my left cheek. "Should we post this somewhere?" "Why not?" I shrug. "Like, what could go wrong?"

Lauren's POV

"And as always, I will Z you guys soon!" I finish my recording when Bobby calls for dinner. "Coming soon chef bobbe!" I answer. But FIRST! Testing to see what happens when I search on my name online! Okay... some cool merch... My videos and... A fanfiction? What is Wattpad? From enemies to lovers? Wouldn't hurt to check it out, would it?

Bobby's POV

"LAUREN YOU COMING?" I yell. The food will be cold soon if she doesn't come. "When she walks down she looks quite... Traumatized? DON'T TELL ME SHE'S BEEN LOOKING AT WEIRD TIK TOOKS AGAIN! "Bobby? PUNCH ME!" "Uhm... WHAT?" "DEXTER! BITE ME!" Okay! What's up with her?

(sorry it's short!)

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