•Darkfastthinking• Wolfie!

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Shade is part wolf, he has tail, ears, and claws but he can hide them easily so no one knows.
Requested by: DaWaeKnower

Shade's POV

I bend down my ears as far as I can, I've done this since I was little so I know how to hide them in my hair. I've gotten used to having my tail inside my pants and people never suspect a thing, and my gloves are covering my claws. Then my phone rings. "Yes?" I answer. "Hey, Shade! Neuro and I are wondering if you want to come over to me, is that okay?" Turner asks. "Sure I just need to fix a quick thing!" I hang up before he gets the chance to answer and puts my gloves back on. I check in the mirror one last time to make sure there's no sign of my ears or my tail. I run down the street and to Turner's apartment. "That was fast!" Turner smiles when I knock on the door. "Do you have super speed?" Dammit! One thing with the whole wolf thing is that it increases my speed, strength. Gives me better hearing and eyesight. "I... ran as fast as I could!" I answer. Turner shrugs and leads me into his living room, Neuro is sitting on the couch reading a book. "Hey, babe!" I smile and gives him a hug. "I'm so glad you could come, Shade!" Neuro says. "Look! This a very interesting book about animal hybrids that used to exist. Shit shit shit! "Ehh... What kind of hybrids?" I ask, trying not to show how nervous I am. "Well, there are reports about people with cat ears and tail for example and people that are other animals too!" "Cmon! That's just an old story!" Turner sighs.

"It's not like that's possible!" If only he knew... If my ears were out they would probably be twitching in amusement cause he's so wrong! "After we battled an army that turned themselves into snakes... do you really think so?" Turner nods. "There's absolutely NO way a human can be born with a tail and ears! Or wings if they're some bird!" I just shake my head. "I'm just gonna go to the kitchen and get some water."

Turner's POV

People with animal powers! Hah! I'd like to see that! Shade runs back with a glass of water, sadly he bumps into me and falls on the ground on his butt letting out a small yelp in pain. And I get the water all over me. Wait... didn't his yelp sounded more like a whimper from a dog or something? "Hey, are you okay?" I ask and helps him up. "I just need to go to the bathroom!" He groans and runs away. "What was that all about?" I frown and runs after him. Oh... he forgot to close the door! I see him groan in pain as he pulls out a TAIL? And he has a pair of wolf ears on his head!

Neuro's POV

I run to the bathroom to see Turner and Shade staring at each other and Shade has wolf ears and a tail! "Wow Shade! Cool costume!" Turner acclaims. Then Shade bends down his ears in embarrassment. "Actually... this is real," he mumbles. "I can prove it to you!" He shakes his tail a bit before he groans again. "Wait... so these human hybrids I've read about actually exist? I ask and Shade nods. "The reason I've been hiding it is that I don't want to end up in a laboratory or something... you don't think I'm a monster right?" "No! This is awesome!" Turner cheers and hugs him. Then he starts petting? His ears? "They're so soft!" I roll my eyes and examine him a bit. "You're a wolf right?" He nods and walks back to the living room. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Both of us nods. And Shade sits down on the couch and lets out another yelp. "Shade, what's wrong?" "My tail!" He groans. "I keep on forgetting about it and well... I landed on it when I bumped into Turner!" "I kneel down to him and checks his tail. "Careful! It's pretty sore!" "Don't worry! I smile and carefully lifts his tail a bit. "It's nothing serious!" He twitches his ears a bit and smiles. "I'm happy that I can have them out with you now!" "Do you have like... claws?" Turner asks. Shade nods and takes off his gloves revealing sharp claws on his fingers instead of nails. "So COOL! But why didn't anyone see them when we worked in the factory? You didn't wear them then!" "I made sure to 'rasp' them down before the tournament so I didn't scratch anyone," he answers. "But now they're sharp so don't mess with me!" "Cmon! How sharp can they be?" Turner teases. Shade smirks and grabs an old pillow. "Is this something you value?" "No, I've been planning on throwing it... why do you-" Before he finishes the sentence, Shade throws the pillow up in the air and just when it's in front of him he shreds it into tiny pieces. "Okay... very sharp!" "Told you!" He puts back is gloves on and twitches his ears. "You know what's weird?" "What?" "I have human ears AND wolf ears... WHY?" "So it looks more... normal?" I suggest. "Oh! I have a perfect nickname for you now!" Turner exclaims. "Wolfie! How about that?" "It's better then Nerdo!" Shade chuckles. "HEY!" A few minutes later we ended up wrestling each other, Turner was the fastest (obviously) but Shade was pretty strong, but that's because of his wolf genetics. Now all three of us is laying on the ground exhausted and panting. "I love being a wolf!" Shade smiles.

(A/N Okay, I love animals and Shade is my favorite character so why don't combine them? also here's the reason that I picked wolf for him ↓

(A/N Okay, I love animals and Shade is my favorite character so why don't combine them? also here's the reason that I picked wolf for him     ↓                     

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