•Thinkfast• I'm blind

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I apologise Ninja_Puppet It's just SO hard for me to come up with a good idea!
You guys are sooooooo gonna kill me for this... I know...
Requested by: SammyJSMarksoles
Turner has another reason to hide his eyes in this... you'll see

Drinking and almost, ALMSOT cutting! (You guys are gonna kill me😢)

Neuro's POV

"Turner! Are you there?" I gently knock on the door to his apartment, no answer. I'm a monster, I'm a monster!
Who was that? Turner? I grab the door-handle and you know, it's open! I walk in feeling a strange smell, the TVs on and... a bottle is standing at the table... I read on the bottle. It's alcohol... But... Turner wouldn't drink right? It's almost empty... I walk into his bedroom and he's... he's holding a knife dangerously close to his wrist. "Turner NO!" I run up to him and pins him to the ground, making him drop the knife.  He smells like alcohol... "N-Neuro What are you *hick* doing here?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yell. "YOU'VE DRUNKEN ALMOST A FULL BOTTLE AND NOW YOU ALMOST CUT YOURSELF?" "I-it was just one *hick* zip..." "One. Bottle!" I repeat, "Why would you do that?" "M-monster *hick* I'm a m-monster!" I help him get up on his legs and follows him to his bed. "You can talk to me tomorrow when you're sober..." I sigh, putting a blanket over him. "Tho I have a feeling that you won't remember anything..." I try to take off his sunglasses (weird that they didn't fall of when I tripped him) but he grabs my wrist and stops me. "I-I can *hick* take them off myself..." "Okay..."


Turner's POV

Ugh! What happened yesterday? My head feels worse then when Neuro uses his powers on me! All I remember is running to a shop and buying a bo- Oh no! I didn't drink it did I? "Yes Turner you did..." "NEURO? What are you doing here?" Shit! I don't have my glasses on me! "DON'T turn on the lamp!" "Turner... why were you drinking? You've told me that alcohol was the most disgusting thing you knew!" "I-I just... something happened yesterday when I was in town..." "What happened?" "I-I dropped my glasses and a little girl saw my eyes and-" "wait! Why ARE you hiding your eyes? They're blue right? It's nothing wrong with that!" "No... Neuro, I've only showed you my right eye... the only time I can show my left eye is on Halloween..." I half joke. "Anyway... that little girl got scared when she saw me and when her mom saw me... She called me a monster  and tha-t no one would care about me if I kept showing off like that!" I throw my head back and forth in my bed. "Does she think I CHOSE to have my eye the way it is? NO! I HATE IT!" "Turner! What's up with your eye?" "You don't want to know..." I smile. "You'll be terrified!" "Try me!"

Neuro's POV

I can see Turner's hand slowly Turing in the lamp, revealing both his eyes. One of his eyes is blue, like he's shown me but his left... it has three lines of faint red around it and it's... white... "Turner are you-" "Yes! I AM half blind, I was attacked by a dog when I was ten and it-" He looks at me with his good eye, panicking. "I know I look like a monster with this stupid eye! And I have asked the doctors if they can just replace it with a fake eye or something but no! They can't!" "Turner, you're not a monster!" I smile hugging him tightly. "It's quite amazing how you can run around so fast with just one eye!" "You get used to it..." he sighs. "When I was a kid I used an eyepatch to cover it but that drove too much attention and some enjoyed stealing it from me and poke their fingers in it... 'you're blind anyway so it won't hurt!' Just because I can't see with it doesn't mean I don't FEEL when they poke their freaking FINGERS in it!" I give him His sunglasses and he immediately puts them on. "I was afraid that you would be done with me if you saw them, most of the girls around me is like 'ewwwww!' When they see it... your not disgusted right?" "Of course not!" I answer. "True love is about loving the person no matter how they look! And I know you manage just fine with your right eye!" "Sorry for the thing with the bottle and that..." he sighs. "I just needed something to calm me down!" "And the cutting?" Oh shit! He doesn't remember that! "I-I tried to cut myself?" "Yes, but don't worry! I stopped you before you did it!" "I feel so stupid!" He mutters. "I got drunk just because a little girl and I almost cut myself..." "it's okay Turner! I understand if it was a bit too overwhelming for you! I still love you you know?" "I love you too Neuro......... Can you NOT tell the others about this?" "I promise!"

Shade's POV

Okay! They're taking FOREVER! Neuro and Turner said that they would eat dinner with me and Ash but Where are they? Turner is usually good at keeping time! Too good actually... "Waiting for us?" A voice says behind me. " There you are!" I sigh. "Where were you?" "Just checking something..." Turner smiles. "I get blind sometimes..." "let's just order our food!" Ash groans. "I feel like it's been ten years since I ate!" "Yeah, Yeah!" I answer, following him into the restaurant. "Uhm... this is a bar..." I frown. "I'm leaving!" Turner says before he runs out. What was that all about?

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