•Smokeshade• Talk to me!

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Requested by SlushySushi! Ash is expecting twins and is mute. But he goes missing in a blizzard and all the EMS is looking for him! Two parts soz

Ash's POV

Please... someone help me! Why can't I talk? I'm so cold... Then suddenly I feel sharp pain going through my stomach. Oh no NOT NOW! I wish I could scream, then someone would hear me! Oh no my babies are going to freeze to death here! I feel tears running down my cheeks as I feel one of my babies head starting to come out. I quickly take off my pants and everything else I have on my legs so she can come out properly. I guess I can wrap the babies in my clothes later... I have to keep them warm I HAVE TOO!

Turner's POV

"ASH! ASH!" I yell. "Turner! There's no point in yelling!" Neuro states. "Even if Ash can hear you he can't answer! He's mute!" "FOCUS!" Shade shouts with tears running down his face. "Ash is nearby!" Neuro exclaims holding his head. "He's in great pain! I think the twins are coming!" "WHAT? NOW? WHERE IS HE?" "Shade, calm down! I need to focus!" We follow Neuro to a small cave and walk in when we hear babies cry. "Oh! God!" Shade rushes up to Ash and shakes him. "ASH PLEASE WAKE UP HONEY LOOK AT ME!" "Shade, we have to keep him warm! I think the babies are somewhat okay..." I put one of the babies under my cloak and Neuro does the same with the other. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

Shade's POV

I keep pacing back and forth as we wait for the doctors. "Mr. Lee?" "YES! HOW IS MY HUSBAND? MY BABIES?" "Your babies are fine! Your husband did a great job keeping them warm! However... I think he gave his life for them!" "What, no... is he?" "No, but he's fighting for his life right now, he was weekend from giving birth, making him more sensitive to low temperatures,  and we might have to amputate both his legs!" "H-how big is the chance?" "Depends on how much time it will take to get him warm again!" Oh, Ash... my babies I'm sorry! I'M SO SORRY! I break down on the floor crying as Neuro hugs me. "C-can I see him?" "Yes, but don't expect him to wake up!" I stumble into his room seeing him laying in a white bed with a thick blanket over him and an oxygen mask. "I'm so sorry Ash I'm so sorry!" I take his hand feeling how cold he still is and kisses his forehead. "You saved our babies, honey! You saved our babies!" 

Ash's POV

What happened? Why aren't my hands working? Hold on, WHY CAN'T I FEEL MY LEGS? "What are we going to name our babies?" Was that Shade? Our babies... I hope they're okay! I wish I could say something. I try to open my eyes but it's not working. "I guess we'll have to decide when you wake up! You're going to wake up right?" I am awake Shade! I am! I can hear you! Why can't you see it? "It's two beautiful baby girls! You would love to see them!" Two girls... Cmon Ash! JUST OPEN YOUR FRICKIN EYES!

Neuro's POV

"How is he?" I ask when Shade walks out. "H-he's... He didn't react to ANYTHING I said... I don't even think he heard me!" "You don't know that Shade!" I smile. "Can I go in?" "S-sure..." I walk into Ash's room and starts sending thoughts to him. 

Ash, if you can hear answer me! 

Neuro? Is that you?

Yes! Right now everyone thinks you're unconscious!

What happened? Why can't I feel my legs? Why is none of my body parts working?

You went missing during the blizzard a-

That's right! My babies, I'm so happy they're okay!

Yes, but everyone is worried about you!

Oh... Please tell Shade I'm fine!

I will! Just stay strong okay?

I'll do anything for my husband... and my daughters!

I walk out of the room and up to Shade. "Shade!" I smile. "I managed to get in contact with Ash using my telepathy!" "R-really? How is he?" "He's fine! He's worried about you and your babies!" "D-did he hear what I said to him?" "Yes, he did! And he wanted to tell you that everything is fine!" "B-but... he might die!" "He wasn't tired when he communicated with me!" "C-can you tell the doctors about it? I don't want them to give up on him!" "Don't worry SHade, I'll talk to him as often as I can!"

Ash's POV

I'm so happy I can talk with Neuro... I'm happy Shade and my daughters are okay! I wonder what we should name them... 

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