•Brainfreeze and ???• Yandere! Zane Part 2

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You guys wanted it and here it is!

Neuro's POV

"ADMIT IT!" Shade yells holding up his phone. "OR DO I HAVE TO SHOW THEM?" Zane stares at him before taking out a shuriken out of his bag and throwing it on it. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" He shouts when Shade dodges it. "MY PLAN WAS PERFECT!" "Z-Zane, why?"
I stutter. "Heh... did he really think he deserved you? NO! You deserve someone much better! And I've loved you since the first day we met!" "LIAR!" Shade protest with tears streaming from his eyes. "IF YOU REALLY LOVE HIM THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS TO HIM!" "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY LOVE TOWARDS HIM?" "EVERYONE BE QUIET!" Wu shouts. "IF ZANE REALLY DID IT THEN SHOW US THE VIDEO!" Shade nods and walks up to us. Showing the video, of Zane attack Turner with his shuriken until, I stop looking when Zane is about to make the move, I just can't! When the other sees what happened Cole pins Zane to the ground and Bolobo ties him up with vines. "Shade," Tox sighs. "How did you get that video?" "Cause I always watch-ed him train, everyday..." "Why?" "C-Cause I loved him too... and those moments when I watched him... I-I felt like for once... he was mine..." Everyone freezes and Zane just snorts. "Love is about not letting anyone stand between you and your loved!" "NO! YOU'RE WRONG! TRUE LOVE ISN'T ABOUT WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY, BUT THE ONE YOU LOVE! THAT'S WHY I NEVER CONFESSED TO HIM! CAUSE I KNEW HE WAS HAPPY WITH NEURO, AND THAT HE DIDN'T NEED ME! EVERY TIME I SAW THEM KISS, FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER WHITCH STUNG LIKE KNIFES IN MY HEART, I ALEAYS THOUGHT, AT LEAST HE'S HAPPY!"
Then he breaks down on the floor crying. "And look what you did to him! You never really loved Neuro, cause then you wouldn't had put him thru this pain!" Tox rushes to him and gives him a hug. "The police will be here in any minute," Ash informs. "they'll need the video as evidence!" Shade nods and slowly walks up to me, staring at Turner's dead body.

Shade's POV

I sit down next to Neuro and strokes my hand thru Turner's hair. "I loved you so much Speedy!" I whisper. "I wish you'd known that..." I can feel someone placing a hand on my shoulder. "Neuro, I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything more for him, Zane seemed to be to strong for me and-" "It's Okay," he mumbles. "you caught the one who did this, that's what matters..." I grab Turner's arm and kisses his hand. "B-but if I did something... he would might have been alive..." "But then we could've lost you too!" Ash protest. "You did all you could!" "BUT YOU DON'T NEED ME! TURNER HAD SOMEONE THAT HE COULD LIVE FOR!" "Shade, you're wrong! I need you!" Neuro says and takes my hand. "With Turner gone... I'll need someone to hold on to, one thing that Zane actually was right about is that it's unhealthy to grief alone!" I look at him with my eyes watering and hug him. "I love you Neuro!" "I love you too Shade!" The we both look at Turner. "You'll be waiting for us right?" Neuro mumbles and and gives him a quick kiss on his forehead. "We both love you VERY much!"

Turner's POV

But guys! I'm right here! I try to pat Neuro's  back put my hand just goes right thru him. What's going on? Then I see my body, laying stretched out in a puddle of blood. "I know how it feels," someone mumbles behind me. "to see your loved ones suffer from your death..." I turn around to see a girl, around my age standing at the balcony. She's wearing what you can call normal clothes but has, red wings and a red halo. No! I don't believe in angels! "I understand your reaction," she smiles. "but I'm here to take you to your new home!" What is she talking about? "What's your name and what's happening?" "I'm Tamar and you're an angel now! Just look on your back!" I turn my head around to see... a pair of red wings. "Okay, I MIGHT believe you now but why are my wings red and not white?" "There's different type of angels," she explains. "You're probably referring to white angels! They're the ones who died of natural reasons like, age, sickness or accident. Then there's dark angels with black wings and halo, they're the ones who commuter Suicide. The last type is... red angels like you and me. We're the ones who got... murdered..." I nod silently, I don't need an explanation to why I'm classified as a red angel. "Are you ready to go?" "Can I stay  a minute?" She nods and walks up to me. "I understand how you must feel!" I kneel down to Shade and Neuro who's crying over my body. "You can talk to them if you want," Tamar smiles. "But remember that they can't here you..."
I don't care if they can't here me, I just wanna talk to them for one last time. "Don't worry guys, I'll be happy in my new home and I'll be waiting for you! Neuro, thank you for these two months being your boyfriend was my best choice ever! And Shade, don't blame yourself for what happened, if it weren't for you you would never have caught Zane and I promise that... When you two join me we'll be together... forever!" I get up on my feet and turns to Tamar. "Okay I'm ready to go now!" "Follow me!" She says and walks out to the balcony before jumping off and starts flying. "Wait! I just became an angel! I don't know how to fly!" "Just flap your wings and relax!" She calls back. "Don't worry! You can't die twice!" Here we go! I jump off the balcony and starts flapping my wings like crazy. I get control over them after a minute and follow Tamar thru the clouds. I love you both Neuro and Shade! We'll met again one day!

Sorry if the ending was little to spiritual but I wanted to make a happy ending for the three! Also what do you think the final ship should be called? Darkthinking Or darkfastthinking?

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