•Silverflash• Empty

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Thank you so much maskarraide for giving me this idea!
Also, this oneshot is based on Jaidenanimations song Empty like you can see in the title. and this is a father-son ship!
WARNING: Eating disorder!

Turner's POV

I look in my mirror carefully examining my body, I didn't care so much about my looks until I met Hector after the tournament, he always criticized me over how much I ate. "How do you eat that much?" "You'll turn fat!" "I don't want to be together with a fatty!" I told my friends what was happening and they suggested that I should break up with him, and so I did! But he was right, I had to stop eating so much! So... after the tournament, I cut off so many calories I could and I am getting thinner! So I won't turn fat right? I kept on eating less and less and now I have a diet I can stick to! The most I eat every day is a small sandwich or just an apple. I tried eating as normal again but I gained so much weight at that time so that was out of the question... Skylor invited me and the other elemental masters to her restaurant today... I hope no one comments on my body! I move down and feel my ribs, it's pretty easy to see them when I'm shirtless but I don't see the problem with it! Wonder what the others will think when they see me... It's been a while since I saw Neuro and Shade! They were my best friends since the tournament and... Karloff has always been looking after me! And before you say it! I DON'T have anorexia! There's NOTHING wrong with my eyes! I'm JUST making sure I don't turn fat! No one wants to be fat right?


Skylor's POV

"Well! There's food for everyone!" I smile. "Lucky the ninjas didn't come! Cole would've eaten most of it!" I place as much food as I can on the band so everyone can sit down. I changed the tables for the day so everyone's sitting at a large table with the band rolling in front of them. "Shouldn't you eat Turner?" Shade asks as he grabs a bowl of noodles. "I... I'm not hungry... sorry Skylor!" I just shrug and grabs a plate of sushi. I don't really take it personally, he doesn't really look disgusted by the food just... tired! I can't see his eyes but his lips seem kinda cracked. "Do you need to rest? You look tired?" Neuro says, placing his hand on Turner's shoulder. "No... I'm fine!" "Well, you should try to eat at least a little!" Tox sighs, handing him a small plate of some sort of salad. "Uhm... sure?" he says taking a few bites. "Okay, I'm done! I need to go to the restroom now!" Then he gets up from his chair and runs towards the restroom. "Is there something wrong with him?" I ask, looking at Shade and Neuro. "I don't know..." Neuro sighs. "He's come up with some weird way to block my powers! I can't read him!" "He did have an abusive ex who told him that he would turn fat if he ate too much!" "So that could explain why he didn't want to eat... do you think anyone should check on him?" Before anyone can answer Karloff gets up and walks towards the restroom. "Guess that answers your question..." Ash shrugs.

3rd person's POV

Karloff walked up to the door to the men's restroom to suddenly hear the sound of puking. He knocked on the door and then opened it when he heard more puking. He saw Turner leaning over the toilet constantly putting his fingers in his mouth resulting in him throwing up more. Karloff rushes up to the master of speed and put his hand on his shoulder. The younger master looked behind him and froze when he saw Karloff. "K-Karloff?" Turner stuttered. "Wh-what are you doing here?" Karloff didn't answer and just looked at Turner's eyes. They had big purple bags and his cheeks were swollen from him throwing up. "Are you okay?" Karloff asked and looked in the toilet at all the puke. "I-I'm fine!" Turner sniffed. "Turner needs to eat!" Karloff stated. He'd seen many people with anorexia having the same symptoms. "I-I'm not hungry!" Turner sobbed. "I-I ate a carrot before I got here!" "Before that?" Silence... "Turner?" Silence... "Turner nee-" "I DON'T WANT TO GET FAT!" Turner yelled. "I-I don't have an eating disorder! I-I'm in control!" Karloff shook his head and picked up the younger master bridal style. He allowed Turner to put on his glasses but refused to put him down and sat him down at his chair handing him the salad. "Eat!" Turner shook his head and Karloff grabbed a piece of lettuce in front of him. "Eat!" "No... I've eaten enough for today!" "Carrot isn't enough!" 

"Turner... are you okay?" Neuro asked. "I'M FINE!" At this point, Turner had several tears rolling down his eyes and all that was going through his head was how much weight he was going to gain if he ate that salad. How many calories did it contain? Was there any fat in it? He didn't want to turn fat! "You're not going to turn fat!" Neuro said as he had read his friend's mind. "I know how insecure you became about your body during the time you were in a relationship with Hector! But there's nothing wrong about your diet!" "N-not anymore!" Turner smiled. "I-I've cut down on my food!" "How much?" Shade frowned. Turner smiled again and took off his sweater, showing everyone how skinny he was. Shade gasped at the sight and Neuro seemed close to tears. "Wh-what?" Turner croaked out. "D-do I look fat?" Karloff hugged him and soothingly ran his finger through Turner's brown hair. "Not fat..." The older master mumbled. "Not fat!" Shade put his hand on Turner's shoulder before he started talking. "Turner... I know you don't want to admit it but you HAVE an eating disorder! Don't you realize how bad this is for you?" Turner continued to cry and shook his head. Tox ran and grabbed an apple handing it to Karloff. "Turner wants to get better?" "Y-yes..." "Then eat!" Turner grabbed the apple from Karloff and took a small bite and started chewing. 
"Swallow!" Karloff said after listening to Turner chewing the same bite for a whole minute. Turner obeyed but eating this much made him feel sick! He wanted to rush back into the bathroom and throw up everything. "Next!" Turner kept eating until the apple was gone and then Karloff gave him the salad. "No..." He mumbled. "I've eaten an apple! That's far more sugar for me!" "Eat!" Karloff picked up a small piece of cucumber in front of Turner's mouth and just when Turner was about to protest he showed it in his mouth to then cover it when his hand so Turner wouldn't spit it out. 

"Eat!" Karloff repeated. At this time Turner had given up. He had a plan in his head to threw everything up ones he got home anyways. "Turner... you're going to gain weight when you start eating as normal again! But that's like it should be!" Neuro said and then he whispered Turner's thoughts to Karloff who nodded. "Karloff will follow you home!" "Wh-what?" "You need to get better!" "B-but..." Turner sighed in defeat. There was no way of protesting anymore. "Karloff will make sure you get better!" Karloff picked Turner up again and carried him to his car. He knew what Turner's car looked like so he knew the master of speed probably ran to the restaurant. "Where do you live?" Turner silently mumbled his address and Karloff drove off. "Do you really want to help me?" "Yes! Karloff knows how hard it can be for humans like you!" "I-I just don't know what to do!" "Karloff will help you! And stay with you until recovery!" "Thanks... I thought all I needed to be happy was to stop eating... I guess not..." "Turner will get the help he needs!" Karloff smiled. "Karloff will be by his side all the time!" Turner noded again and smiled back. He could actually get used to Karloff's company. 

(AND DONE! Sorry, this was longer than usual! I had a flooooow! XD Sorry again! See you soon you sweet cherries!)

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