Not again

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Bakugou pov : I left as soon as the bell went, not turning around to look at anyone. I felt a firm hand on my shoulder pulling me back.
"What the fuck?!" I sort of shouted as I pushed the hand off not realising it was kiri.
"Dude wait on me!" He said unfased. His puppy dog eyes squinted as he smiled. 'He has a cute smile, dang those eyes..' I thought. 'Oh My God this is your best friend not a crush..'
I saw Kirishima hand waving in front of me not realising I went onto a trance and just started staring at him.
"C'mon then.." I grab his hand and pull him towards the exit. His hands are so cold,their like fucking ice.
I let go of his hand as he asks where we're going.
"The mall,shitty hair duh"
"Cool! I've not been in ages! Wanna get coffee?"
"Ugh.. sure.." I grumbled.
On the way I stayed silent while kiri was non stop talking. He was talking about his sister, and about how he would do anything to protect her,yada,yada,yada, I didn't care.
But I've been thinking about kiri for the past week or so, and... fucking shit man.... I think of him differently.
Ugh I hate saying it. But yes I have another crush.. on another one of my friends. I used to have another crush on Deku of all people. And yes we dated but let's just say, that it never worked out. He now dates half and half.
But the more I've hung out with Kirishima the more I've grown to like him.
"What do you want to order? Go grab a seat."
"Just get me cake or something! I'll get us the good seats!" Kiri exclaimed.
He's cute, he acts like a kid sometimes.
"I want a black coffee, chocolate cake, and a latte"
I sit down with our drinks and start taking about random shit..
I might try to warm up to him, I know that kiri's gay he came out to everyone but I don't know if he likes me.

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