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Bakugou pov: As the warm water ran down my back, I let out a long big breath. I really enjoyed that, I'm so fucking happy. I started to smile. Genuinely smiling.
I picked up the shampoo and massaged it through my hair, thinking about what happened between us.
I heard a knock at the door, "Kat? I need to get my hair brush, can I come in?"
"Y-yeah" I face the wall and continue my shower, since there's no shower curtain"
I feel his hand grab my ass, I smack it away and giggle.
"Baby, we just fucked and your hiding your dick?" He says, clearly confused.
"It's not that." I say bluntly.
"Then What is it?" He questioned.
"I don't like my hair when it's down. I look weird." I confess.
I heard him make a quiet scoff, and both his hands ran up my ribs.
"Please let me see you?"
"Hmf, Ok then.." he said in a sad tone.
Maybe just for him...
"Fine! I'll show you!" I gave in.
He turned around to face me and I could sense that he was smiling.
I hesitantly turned around showing my flat blonde hair cover my eyes.
"Aww Baby you look so cute!" He said smiling. "Do you do your hair?"
"A little bit, I put mousse in it to make it more fluffy, and put hair spray in it to make it stay upright. But my hairs still spiky." I say quietly.
He smiles again and looks at his phone. His smile turns into a frown, and he looks back up at me.
"I have to go in twenty minutes babe, come out pleaseeee!" He pleads.
I shake my head in astonishment, he is so fucking needy! I still laugh about it though.
I step out the shower and kiri wraps a towel round my waist.
"Thank you Baby." I tell him.
I walk into our room and get out kiri's top, y'know the one that goes down to his knees? Yeah that one.
I see him looking at me.
"Hey! If your allowed my hoodies I'm allowed your clothes too!" I tell him
He shakes his head laughing and hugs me tightly.
"You sure you don't wanna come?" He asks
"For the last time Baby! I'm fine!" I answer
"Whatever!" He kisses my head.
I'm sort of ashamed to admit it but Kirishima is taller than me. Which is annoying!
"You should really be getting going babe" I tell him.
"Okay." He whispers tilting my head up and kissing me. He turns away to leave and opens the door.
"I love you!" I shout after him.
"I love you more!" He shouts back
Kirishima pov: "I've ate to bmuch! Mina moaned.
"Oh shit it's like 8, I gotta get back." I tell them.
"So soon?" Denki asks.
"Dude it's been over four hours, let him go babe." Sero tells his boyfriend.
"Bye guys!" I tell them.
"Bye!" The shout back.
After a few minutes I get back to my dorm. I walk in and find a sleeping Baku on the floor. His head was lying on the text book he was studying for. My top rose up past his ass showing his black Armani boxers.
I couldnt help but smile at the sight of him.
I walk over and bend down shaking him him softly. "C'mon Baku wake up"
He makes an adorable noise before opening one eye at a time and realising its me. "H-hi" he lets out.
I pick him up and he makes a squeal.
"Ha! What was that!" I laugh
I sit down on the bed holding him.
"You hungry baby?" I ask
"Mhm" Bakugou tells me.
I let him down and get cookies that I took back with me out my bag.
I give him one and nibbles on it contently.
"Where'd you get these?" He asks me, mouth full.
"Sero's house." I tell him.
"I'll be going to jail for breaking and entering then."
I laugh with him.

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