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Bakugou pov: I put on black skinny jeans with rips in them and a white button up shirt.
I then go to the bathroom and put gel in my hair to make it stay. My hair isn't naturally that spiky.
"Baby!" I hear kiri shout.
"Yeah?" I say walking through to the room.
"I figured out what I'm gonna do with you today!" He said excitedly.
"No! Your not paying for anything!" I tell him.
"He stands up and put his hands round my waist. "Yes I am. You deserve it baby."
"It's only half twelve the now, we still have ages before we have to go anywhere." I mumble grumpily.
"Nuh uh! What I've planned takes all day!" He kisses my nose.
"Eijirou Kirishima. What could possibly take all day?" I ask.
"You'll see!" He screeched.
"You ready Bakubabe?" Kiri asked me.
"Never call me that again." I laugh and grab his hand walking out our dorm.
"Ooh la la! Where are you two love birds going?" Denki asked us when we passed the common room.
Kirishima ran up to him and whispered something in his ear.
"Aww! That's so cute!" He said.
Kiri giggles and grabs my hand again and we walked out.
"No peeking!" Eiji said as he was covered my eyes.
"Pfft alright." I say.
He leads me forward a bit and kisses my head and says "ready?"
"Yeah.." I say.
"Ok.." he uncovers my eyes.
I gasp and cover my mouth.
"Eijirou.... it's- it's beautiful."

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