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Kirishima pov: I want to make everything okay for my Kat. I love him so much I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
It's been only a few minutes since Katsukis nightmare, and we're still in the same position. Only I'm on my phone and kat just wants to cuddle into me. I get a text on my phone from my mom.
"Hey! Can you come home tomorrow? We have a surprise for you. You can bring a friend if you want!" The text said.
I wonder if Bakugou would want to come? I'll text back saying that I can come home but I'm not sure about a friend and I'll sort that out.
"Baby?" I ask him.
"Mmm" he answers
"Wanna meet my mom?" I say
He sat up and looked at me with a confused look.
"We've been dating for a few days and you already want me to meet your parents?!" He exclaims.
"We don't need to say that we're dating, it is soon for that, but I've got told that I had a surprise or something and I get to go home tomorrow. She told me I could bring a friend."
He thinks for a second.
"Who's she?"
"My mom, my dads dead."
"Oh I'm sorry! I never meant to say parents!"
"It's fine babe you never knew, but I need to know cause if you do want to come the that would mean missing another day of school."
He nuzzles into me again and nods his head.
"I'll come with you."
An~ Next chapter is skipping to be the phone call from Bakugou to his mom telling her where he's going. Just so ya know..

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