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2 months later

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2 months later....

"Can you just hold still?" I huff blowing the hair out of my face in frustration.

"I've been holding still all afternoon, It's too tight Ava, I feel like I can't fucking breathe anymore."

"Well I'm trying to fix it, but I'm not a seamstress Skye so you have to deal with whatever I can do. Since when did you turn into a bridezilla anyway?" I'm getting so frustrated with this dress and I'm not even the one who will be wearing it.

"Since my dress don't fucking fit a week before the wedding!" She shouts at me and I feel like ripping the dress into shreds or burning the god damn thing. She is refusing to get it altered considering it fit her the last time she tried it on and there's no way I'm going to be able to convince her to buy a new one with the wedding only being a week away.

"Oh you turned into a bridezilla long before that." Hannah scoffs from across the room as she downs the rest of her champagne. She's grinning because she finds this whole situation hilarious.

We both glare in her direction and then giggle when we realize how ridiculous we are being.

"This whole wedding planning has been a nightmare, the last few weeks I've been stress eating and I must have gained a few pounds." Skye shrugs, taking a seat beside her.

"That, or you're pregnant." Hannah scoffs again and I shoot her an evil look.

"Hannah don't... wait..." I turn quickly back in Skye's direction. "Oh my god are you pregnant?" I ask, eyes as wide as saucers.

"No." She tells us shaking her head. "No, there's no way." She looks towards the ceiling like she's trying to work something out. "Oh shit, fuck....fuck I might be pregnant. No, no, no."

"Skye! I thought you were on the pill?" I question.

"Yeah I was...I mean I am. But somedays I forget to take it." She shrugs.


"Ava! I'm tired 90% of the time and I'm stressed out. The wedding is stressing me out. Taking my pill was the last thing on my mind. It's not like we even have sex often, have you tried having sex when your running after a child 14 hours out of the day? You just take what you can get, if and when you can get it. I wasn't thinking obviously." She lays her head in her lap letting out a huge sigh.

A silence fills the room for a couple of minutes. Not one of us knowing what to say. I should say something comforting but I'm not sure if she is going to bite my head off in the mood she is in.

"Imagine you are having twins." Hannah jokes breaking the silence.

"Hannah you are not helping. Make yourself useful and take my card, go into town to the nearest pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test and some coffees from Starbucks." I tell her pulling out my bank card and handing it over. "Take your time."

Me & You (H.S) Book 2 Of The Him & I Series (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now