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"Drink up," mom instructed as she let me finish a glassful of water after taking aspirin. My head was throbbing the moment I woke up that morning due to staying up late watching HBO.

"Thanks, mom," I said weakly forcing the water down my stomach.

"You should be taking rest today. I'll just go to school and talk to your adviser to have you excused for your absence," she offered.

"No, mom. I should not miss school," I declined.

I was already in my senior year, the last year of high school. Before the school year started, I already promised myself to make the most out of it. So I should never miss a day not being in school. As a fulfillment to that promise, I participated in all school activities like the jingle contest in July, speech choir in August, and cheer dance competition in September.

The month started with the audition for the cheer dance. The cheerleaders were mostly from the other sections since they were more gifted in dancing than us, from the top section. It was funny auditioning to them for they also didn't want to judge us. Ending, they let all of us from the top section passed because they were too shy to let any of us down.

When rehearsals came, we were so excited to learn the chants and yells! The ever talented and gorgeous cheer leader, Yvonne Cheng was the one who taught us. We had our chanting practice first in our classroom. As we were following Yvonne, somebody from the last section came in late.

"Well, hello there Mister! Practice call time was 9 AM. You're thirty minutes late," Yvonne called up to the late-comer.

It was no other than my previous classmate in second year whom I hated so much!

"I'm so sorry, Miss. Got held up in the hallway," he replied coolly.

The other girls started whispering but I didn't get what they were up to. My friend just eyed me with an all-knowing smile on her face.

"I don't want people with big heads in my league," Yvonne continued to bark at him.

"Ohhh," the others chorused.

"Not as big as you think," he said mockingly tapping his forehead.

The girls cheered and he mimed to silence them until he saw me. He smiled but I looked away. I ignored him all throughout the practice until Yvonne gave us a 15-minute break.


The hell he's still talking to me! I just rolled my eyes and didn't response.

"Wanna grab some snacks?" he tried again.

"I'm not fond of eating snacks," I muttered under my breath.

I still couldn't stand having him in proximity. I still couldn't understand his effect on me!

"Well then, see you later," he said with a wink.

And my blood boiled again! Why was he doing that to me? How many mistreats should he had to get from me? Why would he just can't leave me alone?

"Until now?" my friend asked me the moment he left.

"Don't start with me," I warned her.

"Why that much hate?" she asked again.

"I don't know," I answered irritably. I really didn't know!

Unknowingly and without any hint, this was my first encounter of him that marked my magical month of September of the year 1998!

Then we always metfor rehearsals every afternoon after class and every Saturday. I was so happywith the rehearsals for it was my first time to join a cheer dance competition!He was also always there but I didn't care until one afternoon came when hedidn't join our rehearsal. I wondered why but I just let it pass because Ididn't care.

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