The Intruder

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Tw: am intruder (duh), hits/implication of murder, PTSD attack (though I probably did it wrong) super long author's note.

Logan's POV

Logan say across the floor from Roman who was attempting to teach him how to play a simple hand-clap game. "So it's pretty easy, all you need to do is put this hand up here facing down and this hand down here facing up." Roman positioned Logan's hands. "Then switch and repeat."

"That's all? This seems to be a rather easy game."

"Nope! We haven't even got into the actual game. This is just to keep the beat." Roman joined in, doing it twice before clapping three times. Logan was quick to followed his lead. They got a steady beat before Roman started talking timing himself to the beat. "This is a game. *clap clap clap* of concentration. *clap clap clap* no repeats. *clap clap clap* or hesitation. *clap clap clap* I go first. *clap clap clap* you go second. *clap clap clap* topic is. *clap clap clap* math. *clap clap clap* numbers. *clap clap clap*"

Logan had caught on to what he was supposed to do and quickly imputed another word that was related to math. "Parabola. *clap clap clap*"

"Equation. *clap clap clap*"

"Coefficient. *clap clap clap*"

"Area. *clap clap clap*"

"Bisect. *clap clap clap*"

"Geometry. *clap clap clap*"

"Quintic polynomial. *clap clap clap*"

Roman faltered. "What? What the heck is that?!"

"Does this mean I win? You failed to name something related to math."

"Yea.... I guess so... Rematch?" They were just starting to play again when an alarm burst thru the calm. "What's that? Do we need to evacuate?"

"No... It's the intruder alarm, though I don't see why someone would break into a mental hospital. Of course, unless they were prohibited from seeing, or visiting someone here, or had a sizable criminal record." Logan and Roman's eyes widened as they realised someone who had both.

"Dominic." They both said it at the same time.

"He's probably come to take Patton away!"

"Or he could be here out of spite for Virgil, to finish the job."

"We've got to help them!" Roman made his way to the door and already had his hand on the doorknob when Logan grabbed his arm. "They could be in danger! We have to go help them!"

"We don't even know for sure if it's Dominic. We need to follow procedure and stay in our rooms. If you think about it it probably isn't even Dominic. He was never told where Patton and Virgil were living and Hope would never betray them like that." Logan rambled on trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince Roman.

They both went over to sit on the bed. "I just feel so use-...less." Roman slowed down when the alarm cut off. Heavy footsteps were heard in the hall, stopping at each doorway. "Why are they stopping?" Roman whispered, the absence of the alarm making him sound so much louder.

"There are name tags on the doors.... They're looking for someone." The footsteps finally stopped at their door. They lingered in the hallway before the doorknob began to turn.

Roman immediately jumped up, standing in front of Logan. "Who are you and what do you want with us!" Roman's voice boomed thru the empty halls.

"I want nothing from you." The man looked straight past Roman, staring into Logan's eyes. "I just wanted to wish my little brother farewell on my way out." Logan tried to look away but the man's left eye stuck in his head. It was a vibrant yellow, just like his had been, before he died. The man's words finally sunk in. 'No.... There's no way he survived. He couldn't have... Right?' Logan was in too deep. He just sat there as that day replayed over and over again.

Roman's POV

Logan sat straight backed on the bed starring wide eyed at the blank wall. The only sign of life were his shallow breaths and the occasional blink. Roman was panicking. He had never seen his boyfriend like this before, so still and lifeless. The man had left after his cryptic message, leaving Roman alone with his seemingly petrified boyfriend.

Virgil rushed thru the door, Patton clinging to his arm. "I heard the intruder open your door. Are both of you alright?!" It took Virgil a moment to notice Logan.  "Oh nonononono nonoooo! Come on Logan, what happened!? You've gotten over this!"

"What's going on?! Why is he all statue like?" Roman hovered to the side, longing with all his heart to just hold Logan close till he was ok again, but not wanting to make whatever was happening worse.

Virgil ignored Roman instead focusing on Logan. He went in front of Logan placing his hands gently on Logan's knees. "Logan look at me. I'm right here can you see me? It's not real. You're here now. You have friends who care for you." Logan suddenly jolted violently, as if he was being electrocuted. Virgil grabbed his wrists, abruptly stopping his shaking. Logan looked at Virgil with wide fearful eyes, finally seeing the boy in front of him. "It's not real. You're not there anymore. It isn't real." Logan slowly calmed down, blinking erratically.

"Virgil I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Logan removed his wrists from Virgil's grip.

"Its fine lo, you can't control it. Now where'd you put your meds?"

"They should be in the bottom drawer of the dresser, though I probably won't be needing them now."

"Better safe than sorry." Virgil pulled a small bottle out of the drawer and tossed it to Logan.

"Logan? What up? What exactly was that trance thing?" Logan kept his eyes trained on the pill bottle in his hands as Roman asked his questions.

"Virgil could you please explain all this to them. I'll go wait in you and Patton's room." With that he exited the room.

Roman was quick to start questioning Virgil. "What does he mean? What needs to be explained? Why can't he do it himself?"

"You guys might want to sit down for this." Virgil took a deep breath before continuing. "It all started on Logan's fourth birthday."

Thanks for the over 1k reads. Next is angst overload as we do Logan's backstory.

So I was thinking of writing another book. Not connected to this one, and I want to know which one you guys would like to see. I'll probably end up eventually writing all of them or pawning the ideas off so it's not like this is the only chance.  It wouldn't replace this book but would get updated every Sunday with it.

So idea number one(these will just be basic summarys as to not give any spoilers): Tangled au with a twist. Mainly Patton x Roman.

Idea number two: Moxity texting story.

Idea number three: voodoo doll au

Idea number four: artificial intelligence au with a twist. Analogical.

Idea number five: zombie apocalypse au with a twist.

Idea number six: soulmate au where finding soulmates rely on sight but one of the characters is blind. Lamp.

Or idea number seven: finish those one shot ideas I have in my drafts.

To be honest all of them would be really angsty. If you want me to do it then just comment. If you want more information I may give it to you if I don't think it will spoil anything.

If you really like the sound of writing one of these (probably not since all of these are super vague)  then feel free to message me or comment and I'll probably let you use it and give you a general idea of what I was thinking.

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