Chapter Three: Jealous

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Your POV

The whole day dragged on. I set up a couple people but for the most part nothing major really happened. The day was completely and utterly boring until my walk home when a familiar voice called my name.

"Hey (Y/n) wait up!" It was Dylan, from art. I stop and wait for him.

"What's up?" I ask, giving him a warm smile.

"I was just wondering if I could walk you home," he says as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, of course."

I mean, he lives on the same street as me, so it's not weird... right?

We keep walking in silence for a minute or two until Dylan speaks up. "So, how's life going?" He asks awkwardly. We both let out a laugh.

"Good, good. How about for you?"

He smiles at me and tells me he's doing good as well. We begin to have a normal conversation, talking about the day and what we were planning on doing over the upcoming weekend. He talks about going skiing and his family. I talk about setting people up and homework. Normal teenager things. Then Dylan asks me something... odd.

"So, you know how the winter formal is coming up?"

I look over at him, "Let me guess, you want me to find your date," I say with a small laugh.

"Well.." I see him reach up and rub his neck as his face gets slightly red.

"Dylan what is it?" I slow our pace slightly.

"I was kinda wondering if you would want to go with me?" My eyes went wide.

He did not just ask me that. No no no no no no. Dylan Matthews did not just ask me to a dance.

Look, I never go on dates. I never go anywhere with a date either for that matter. You would think with me being Cupid and all that I would be able to find MY perfect match. Sadly, that was not the case. It was the exact opposite of the case. And based solely upon this fact, people knew better than to ask me to such events. Which is why I was so surprised when Dylan did. But then it hit me, why not? I mean, I could go with Dylan. We could have fun. We are friends after all. I could tell him yes.

"Uh su-"

But before I can respond, I'm cut off by Dylan slipping on a patch of ice that I know wasn't there a second ago. I roll my eyes.


I help Dylan up and realize we're right in front of my house. "We'll talk about this later, okay?" I say with a small smile.

"Okay, bye (y/n)" he smiles back and walks off.

I cannot believe you just did that Jack Frost. I am so going to kill you.

I storm up my porch steps and slam my front door. I was already fuming. I run into my bedroom and throw my bag down. I glare at the guardian who is already sitting on my bed, smiling at me innocently.

This isn't the first time he's done something like this. Actually this was about the millionth time he's done something like this. And today was the day I chose to retaliate.

"What the heck was that?" I hiss at Jack.

"Oh come on, I was just having a little fun," he says as he starts to float towards me with a smile on his face.

"He could've gotten hurt! He could've hit his head or broken his arm! Or that could've been me falling instead! What would you have done then?!" I scream at him, not even caring that I'm losing my temper. I hadn't noticed but tears were slowly starting to well in my eyes.

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