Chapter Ten: Challenges

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Your POV

After that the rest of my day was normal. Jack walked me to school like he always does. I set up a few people here and there. Nothing major really happened. Art class even passed by fast because Dylan wasn't there. Everything felt completely normal. That is, until I was on my way home.

The walk home was so cold. Colder than normal. Jack must be really close. I started walking as fast as I could. It felt like the temperature was dropping by the minute.

God Jack, lighten up a bit.

I laughed at my thought. I was just bout to open my front door when I felt two, ice cold hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" I hear Jack say while trying to hide his laugh.

"Hmm, Bunny?" I ask, jokingly.

Jack gasps and pulls his hands away. "Now that's just rude." We both started laughing once he said that.

He really is so fun to be around. I can't help but laugh when I'm with him. He really does make me happy. Maybe he's better for me tha-

"I was just stopping by for a second to tell you I'll be by later. And as in later I mean like 15 minutes. I have to go and make a blizzard really quick." He has a bright smile on his face. He's obviously excited. I nod at him and start to open the door, but he grabs my hand.

"Yes Jack?" I see him start to blush slightly as he clears his throat.

"Well I was just wondering if we could talk later? I need to ask you something really important."

I stare at him blankly for a moment.

What could he possibly need to ask me? What could be so 'important'? What if it's about me and Pitch? What if he knows? No, if he knew he would have already taken me to North's so I would stay away from him. Ugh. This is beginning to be too much on me.

"Of course, Frosty." I plaster a smile onto my face. He just looks at me and grins.

"Okay, see you in a few Cupid." He kisses my cheek and flies away.

I'm never going to get used to that.

I continue wondering what he could possibly need to ask me about as I'm walking through my front door.

Does he want me to be his girlfriend? No. He knows I would say no. But if that's not it, what would it be-

But I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I walk into my bedroom and find Pitch, sitting on my bed with his back against the headboard.

"Pitch? What are you doing here? Jack could've seen you!" Then I notice the look on his face.

Is he angry? No he can't be. He doesn't have any reason to be angry. At least not at me. I didn't do anything.. did I?

"Pitch? Hello? Are you gonna talk to me?" I ask while walking over to him and sitting in front of him on the bed.

"Pitch, what's wrong?" I ask and reach over to grab his hand. But right before I do he pulls it away.

What is his deal? Why is he acting this way? I didn't even do anything to him.

And then he finally breaks the silence.

"I saw you kiss Frost."

My hearts drops. My hands go numb. I honestly feel a little dizzy and all my air leaves my body. What have I done? There is no telling how he feels right now. This is all my fault.

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