Chapter Eleven: The Move

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Your POV

"Jack, I don't need to bring my whole closet ya know!" I yell as Jack grabs another cluster of shirts and stuffs them into my suitcase.

This would be going so much faster if I had just done it myself.

I walk over to Jack and grab about half of what he had in there and pull it out. I mean, this is ridiculous!

"I don't even wear these clothes anymore!" Jack lets out a laugh and takes the clothes from me, stuffing them back into my suitcase.

"You need as many clothes as you can get at North's. It's very cold there you know." We both laugh and continue packing. After about another 30 minutes we're finished.

"Finally!" Jack falls backwards onto my bed.

"Oh please, it didn't take that long." I laugh and grab a piece of paper out of my back pack. Jack sits up and looks at me.

"What's that for?" He points at the paper in my hand.

"I'm leaving a note for my mom. Telling her I'll be staying at a friends house for a while. Just so she doesn't worry. She shouldn't care since she's never home anyways."

He nods and floats over to my window. He sits on the window sill and watches me write my note. When I get done I lay it on my bed.

"Ready to go?" Jack sends me a warm smile.

I take a look around the room.

This is going to be so different. I've never been away from home before. This is such a huge change. But I have to do it. For Jack.

I turn to him and smile. "Yes, I'm ready."


When we show up to the Pole I'm greeted with hugs from all the guardians. They all tell me how happy they are about me moving into North's and how much fun it will be. But I can't help but feel a little guilty.

I left without saying anything to Pitch.

I just couldn't get the thought out of my mind.

He's going to show up at my house later and have no clue where I am. He's going to be so hurt. I should've left him a note or something.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and walk over to sit on the couch. A few seconds later Tooth flies up and sits next to me.

"Is something wrong Cupid? You seem a little tense."

Is it that obvious?

I let out a sigh and turn to her. "Yeah, Tooth. There is something wrong. But can we talk in private?"

She nods and grabs my hand. "Follow me."

She leads me down the hall into a small room. It looks like some sort of art studio. There were paints and sketchbooks everywhere.

I have got to come back here in my spare time.

"Okay so, what's going on?" Tooth looks at me with a worried expression on her face.

I let out a sigh. Here goes nothing.

"I love two different people."

Tooth gasps and her eyes goes wide. Her mouth drops open as she stares at me in shock.

"And one of them is Jack."

Tooth smiles and starts to squeal.

"OMG! I knew you two would end up together! You guys are absolutely perfect for each other. Has he asked you out yet? I need all the details asa- Wait. You said you loved two people?"

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