Chapter Twenty: Storytime

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Your POV

It had been about a week and a half since my "date" with Jack. He was still very shy and would hush me any time I brought the subject up. Pitch had came back home too since then. He was still acting as if I hadn't told them they had another chance. I'm not going to lie, it worried me a lot. I had began to think he had lost any interest in me at all.

I was currently in my room, about to change into my pajamas. I slipped out of my shirt and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out an over sized, long sleeve, shirt and threw it on. It was one of Pitch's black shirts he had given me since he hardly ever wore them anyways. The sleeves went past my hands by a few inches and it went down to a little above mid thigh.

I tied my hair up into a loose bun before rummaging through my drawers for a pair of shorts. As I finally find a pair of loose cotton shorts, I slide my pants off.

"Well aren't you looking delicious this evening," I heard someone growl into my ear as I bent back up.

I jumped a little as I felt cold, strong arms wrapped around my small frame. Shivers went down my spine as Pitch's cool breath fanned against the back of my neck. I looked down to Pitch's grey arms that were tightly encasing my waist.

I had finally convinced Pitch to wear regular T-shirt's, at least around North's. He finally gave in to the idea after hours of my constant nagging.

"You're only saying that because I don't have my shorts on yet," I responded as Pitch placed multiple kisses along my neck. I bit onto my bottom lip, just incase any noises tried to slip out. Ever since my transformation into the guardian of love, all my senses have heightened. "You know, there's more to love than the sexual side of it, right," I added while turning around in his arms.

Pitch faked a gasp and placed a hand on his chiseled chest.

"Cupid, I'm hurt! You think that's all I'm in here for?" He asked, with fake pain spread across his face.

I pulled him down by his T-shirt and placed a rough kiss onto his lips.

"No. But you do always go for that sort of thing."

"Well if you keep kissing me like that while wearing my shirt, then that may turn into the only reason I'm here," Pitch growled into my ear. "So before you get me too distracted, can I tell you why I really came in here?"

I nodded my head and leaned back in Pitch's arms so I could see his face. He placed a quick kiss onto my lips before pulling back again.

"Well, the other day I got to thinking about how you are so different from all the myths that were made about Cupid. Then the thought came to my mind. I wonder how different I am from what people think the boogeyman is. So I thought we could read a book about myths together, you know, for fun."

As Pitch talked I noticed a very light blush had crept across his grey complexion. His gold eyes were shifting their gaze so often as if to avoid eye contact. It was very rare that Pitch even got remotely embarrassed so this had caught me slightly off guard.

"That actually sounds kind of interesting. I'd like that," I told Pitch, resulting in a crooked grin from him.

Pitch looped a hand underneath my thighs, lifting me up. He carried me over to the armchair in the corner of my room. He sat down first and sat me on his lap. Snapping his fingers together, he made a book appear out of black sand. After grabbing the book from the air, he started flipping through the pages, obviously looking for a specific story.

I knew that regardless of what we were reading, we were going to be reading for a while. So I decided to get more comfortable. I started moving around on Pitch's broad lap, trying to find the best position to sit in. For the life of me, I couldn't find a comfortable spot. I kept wiggling and moving until out of nowhere two hands gripped down onto my waist tightly.

"Cupid, my dear, if you don't stop moving, we will be doing something other than reading," Pitch whispered coldly into my ear. I could hear the arousal lacing his voice. Yet another perk of being the guardian of love.

A small smirk tugged on my lips as Pitch's hands let go of my waist and picked up the book again. He flipped for a few more minutes before finally landing on the page he was looking for. He clears his throat before beginning the story.

"The bogeyman is a mythical monster whose impact can be traced all around the world. It is thought that the boogeyman was originally a reference for mischievous creatures called hobgoblins. Throughout much of Europe, hobgoblins are actually quite friendly or limited to light-hearted pranks, but there are tales of hobgoblins who were much more vile in nature. These creatures were said to torment humans, sometimes to the point of frightening a person to death. Okay, I'm definitely not a hobgoblin. Have you seen those things? They're completely idiotic!" Pitch complained, very obviously into this story.

Well, I guess it's time to have my fun.

As Pitch began the next part of the story I shifted on his lap slightly.

"The majority descriptions of the boogeyman are that he is some sort of spirit or entity that terrorizes n-n-"

He clears his throat as I move around on his lap more.

"-naughty children in the night. The boogeyman could strike for any number of reasons, ranging from a-a-anger towards children who leave things dirty, to hunger for children who stayed up past their b-bedtime," Pitch stumbled out nervously.

I could feel the affect I had on him. And I was loving it. I was drinking up his desire, it was like it was fueling me. I continued to move around on his lap more as he continued to read, making sure to make it look as innocent as possible.

"The boogeyman is said t-to have.. Um, s-said to have.. Uh, said to.. Ugh!" Pitch groaned, throwing the book down.

He grabbed onto my hips and forcefully turned me on his lap so that I was straddling him. He hungrily slammed his lips against mine and almost immediately starting biting and sucking on my bottom lip. I felt his nails digging into my waist as his tongue aggressively explored my mouth.

The desire that was pouring out from his body was intoxicating me with every touch. One of his hands trailed up my back to grip my hair, firmly yanking my head to one side. His mouth left mine only to connect to my neck seconds later. He began biting onto my neck, no doubt leaving marks. Good thing spirits heal fast.

A few soft moans escaped through my mouth as he sucked on the sensitive skin above my collarbone. Pitch's grip on my hair tightened and a low growl left his throat as he heard my whimpers. Then, almost as quickly as it had started, it was over.

Pitch pulled back from my neck, looking like he had just fell out of a spell. He stared at my, most likely bruised, skin before looking up to meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry, my dark little angel. I don't know what came over me," Pitch said, obviously still in shock.

A small laugh exited my mouth as I picked the book off the floor and cuddled into his chest. I placed the book into his hands and let my eyes flutter closed.

"Don't worry about it Pitchy, let's just finish the story."


so i started writing this a few days ago and then Skyress1 suggested pitch reading to the reader and i loved the idea.

and of course i had to put a twist on it and give pitch a dirty little mind because that side to pitch is honestly very intriguing to me.

anywho, here's your pitch "date" tehehe.

xoxo, darkcupid_

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