Chapter Five: Surprise

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Pitch's POV

I was just flying across town, buying time until nightfall when I heard a familiar voice.

"What's wrong (y/n) is that me, your bestfriend, just watched the girl I love be kissed by some random boy. And she doesn't even think for a second that it hurts me."

Frost? This has got to be good.

I follow the sound and fly to a house I had never been to before. I didn't even know this place existed. Why have I never seen this house? But I was knocked out of my thoughts by another voice I didn't recognize.

"Y-You love me?"

Who IS that?

My curiosity got the best of me. I had to look. I float up to the window to see a girl with long (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes in a blue dress.

Who is she?

I also notice the tears streaming down her face. Are they fighting? But before I could see anymore, Frost turns to head out the window. I barely move in time.

"I have to go." I hear Frost say coldly.

What is his deal?

"Jack wait-" I hear the girl start to beg.

She sounds so hurt. What did he do?

"North wants us at his place in an hour. See you there."

When did he become so harsh?

"Jack please, can't we just talk about this?"

I can literally hear the tears in her voice. And yet, there's no fear. Why not?

But I'm thrown out of my thoughts once more as I see Jack Frost fly out of the window. I take that as my cue to take his place.

I float up to the window again and barely peek above the window sill. The girl is now sitting on her bedroom floor crying. Mascara is running down her cheeks.

What did Frost do to you?

I felt the need to comfort her. To fly into her room and wrap her in my arms.

What is wrong with me? She's just another human girl. She's nothing special. Except.. I still can't feel any fear. She has to be afraid of something.

But just then I duck because the girl stands up. I slowly start to peek over the window sill again when I notice her sitting in front of her mirror. Her tears still flowing down her cheeks.

This poor girl.

She starts to wipe the mascara away. As I watch I float in and sit on her window sill.

She's actually kind of.. pretty.

I watch her continue to take her makeup off and notice her come to an abrupt stop.

Oh no. Did she see me? No. That's impossible. If she's not scared of anything then she shouldn't be able to see me. Right?

I stare intently as she slowly turns around in her seat to fully face me.


I don't know what to do. I sit there in shock.

Who is this girl? How does she know my name? If we've met I would've remembered her. I remember everyone I give nightmares to. But I don't remember her. How have I never given her a nightmare?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the same voice.

"You're Pitch, right? Pitch Black?" I stare at her.

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