Chapter Nineteen: Night In

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Your POV

"Hey snow angel, are you busy?"

I looked up to Jack, who was standing in my doorway. I smiled and pulled on my hoodie.


I jumped up from my seat and flew over to Jack. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.

I've missed this. Getting to express how I feel. Getting to show my love. How did I ever live before?

When I pulled back from the hug, Jack already has his face pointed towards the floor.

"I-If you're not busy, then come on," Jack stammered out.

Jack looked up and smiled at me. His pale face was painted a light shade of pink as he took my hand in his. A small giggle escaped my mouth as I tightened my grip on his cold hand. I watched as his blush deepened slightly.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked, as we walked through the hallways of North's shop.

"Well, Pitch is going to be gone for a few days. Something to do with crushing children's dreams or something. So I thought you and I could-"

"Movie night?!"

I blurted it out as soon as we walked into the living room. The couches and chairs had been pushed to the walls. There was a few mattresses laying on the floor with piles of blankets and pillows on top of them. Stacks upon stacks of movies were laid out by the tv. Christmas lights were the only thing illuminating the room.

"Is it too much? Tooth helped me set it up and I just wanted it to be special because it's our first real date and I-"

I flung my arms around his neck and pulled him to me tightly.

"I love it so much, Frosty. It's perfect."

I felt the rumble of Jack's chest as he let out a laugh. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up off the floor. He floated us onto the middle mattress and sat me down before heading over to the movies.

"Speaking of Tooth, where is she? And everyone else?"

Jack picked up a movie and popped it into the DVD player. He floated towards the mattress and laid on his stomach next to me.

"North took them to see all the Christmas lights. He does it every year around this time."

I nodded my head and looked down at Jack. He was staring at the TV screen with a look of content on his face, his small smile settling just right on his features.

He's so perfect.

I slid my hand under his shirt and started tracing little circles along his back. As soon as my finger came in contact with his cool skin, his face turned bright pink. His breath hitched slightly before a small sigh of happiness escaped his mouth. His eyes fluttered closed as he subconsciously scooted closer to me.



He turned his head towards me, still not opening his eyes. He reached his arm up and laid it across my leg. I smiled as I stared at the white haired boy.

"I love you, Jack."

Suddenly, Jack's eyes shot open. He sat up a little, leaning on one of his elbows. He studied my face and I studied his as well. I watched as his face regained a tint of pink and his gaze caused mine to as well.

"I love you more, Cupid."

He slowly sat up and grabbed a blanket from next to him. He laid down onto the pillows and I followed, laying my head on his chest. He draped the blanket over us and wrapped an arm around my waist. We watched the movie in silence, and I slowly let my thoughts creep in.

Wait. This is the first time I've been alone with Jack since I told him and Pitch that they had another chance. This is the first time it's only been just us. I haven't gotten to lay with him like this in so long. He hasn't gotten to hold me in so long. I haven't gotten to hug him in so long. I haven't gotten to kiss-

I sat up and turned to face Jack. He had confusion chiseled in his features as he stared at me. I looked into his eyes and let myself get lost in them, just like I used to.

"Can I kiss you?"

Jack quickly pulled the blanket over his face. I could feel his heart pounding nervously under my hand. A small giggle escaped my mouth as I tugged at the blanket. As I pulled it down, I discovered a very flustered Jack, who's face was now bright red.

"Jack, can I?"

His blush somehow deepened as he stared at me. He looked into my eyes for a moment before letting them trail down to my lips. He gulped slightly and nodded his head.

I slowly leaned down and moved a few pieces of snowy hair out of his eyes. I placed my hand softly on his shoulder and pressed my lips against his.

It was like magic.

As soon as our lips connected, it was like fire battling ice. My fingers traced up the sides of Jack's jaw before entangling themselves in his hair. His icy tongue trailed across my lip in a shy manner. I smiled into the kiss as I refused what he was, so surprisingly, begging for.

I was knocked out of control by two icy hands grabbing onto my hips and flipping me over. I let out a small gasp and Jack took this as his opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. As his tongue very slowly explored my mouth, my eyes fluttered open slightly.

There was snow falling down in the room like a blizzard. The heavy flakes landing everywhere, including on us. The temperature started to drop drastically as Jack's lips moved into rhythm with mine.

I tugged on his hair and attempted to pull him even closer. His body pressed against me and I could feel his toned chest on mine. Jack gave me one more long and passionate kiss before pulling away, the both of us out of breath.

"A little excited, huh?" I asked him with a giggle and gestured around the room.

As soon as his eyes looked up his blush reappeared. He flew off me and covered his face with his hands. I laughed and floated up to him.

"Why are you so shy now? You're never shy! Besides, how could you kiss the guardian of love and not get excited?"

Jack slowly split his fingers apart and peeked at me. I smiled at him and watched as he slowly removed his hands from his bright red face. I leaned in to kiss him again but before I could, his hands flew up to cover his face once more. I let out another giggle and flew towards the door, heading to get the Yetis so they could clean up the mess.

"Frosty, you're so innocent."


short chapter, i'm so sorry !!!!! school is starting so the updates may be a little slow but i promise i'm trying. here's some cute frosty things so i hope y'all like it.

xoxo, darkcupid_

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