Chapter Twenty Three: Dark Secret

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Your POV

"Bec, come on. It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?! You're in a love triangle with two extremely hot guys and you won't even tell me who they are!"

It's almost the end of school. We only have one week left. And I finally just told Becca everything about my affairs with Jack and Pitch. Everything except their names. And now she won't leave me alone about it. She thinks they're the reason I changed my appearance. And technically she isn't wrong. But she is killing me with these questions.

"Okay fine. I'll tell you their names. But I promise that you don't know them. And you can't tell anyone," I point my finger at her and give her a stern look. She rolls her eyes and waves her hand at me.

"Okay, okay. Spill!" She whisper shouts, hitting my arm multiple times. I let out a laugh and shake my head.

"Okay their names are Jack and..." I trail off, smirking at her evilly.

"Jack and who?! Who?!" She yells yanking on my arm. I can't help but laugh at her desperate attempts to get me to speak.

"It's a secret," I reply with a wink.

She stares at me with a frustrated look on her face for a few seconds. Then I notice her gaze shift and follow someone who is walking behind me and into our class. A smirk appears on her face and she lets out a fake sigh.

"Oh well, I guess I'll never know," she says, running ahead of me into art.

Okay now that's weird. Becca never drops topics. Especially not when the topic is boys. I mean, something isn't right here. Something feels off. Becca would never-

I automatically stop in my tracks as I walk through the art room door. My eyes widen at the sight before me. A very giddy Becca is leaning in and whispering in a very flustered Dylan's ear. His eyes meet mine and a wide goofy smile appears on his bright red face.

Oh no.

Oh please no.

And as if it couldn't get any worse, two figures by the window catch my eyes. I glance over to see Jack and Pitch both covering their mouths in a fit of laughter. They clearly know what's going on. And they clearly enjoy it. Of course they do. But hey, it's really not that bad. At least I have a few options for how to deal with this.

Option one: I could just use my powers on him and make him lose feelings for me.

Option two: I could try to just let him down easy and tell him I wasn't talking about him.

Option three: I could use this to my advantage to make Pitch and Jack jealous.

Well, option one is clearly out. Not only would the rest of the guardians kill me for using my powers for myself, but I honestly don't feel like dealing with another lecture from Pitch and Jack. Option two isn't the most practical either. I mean, Dylan is very persistent. He's definitely proved that the past few months. He wouldn't just give up on me because I turned him down. So I guess option three it is.

Now this is what I call fun.

I confidently walk towards Dylan and I's table, maybe swaying my hips a little more than normal. I snap my fingers a few times behind my back, white sparks flying from them, which causes Dylan's eyes to turn soft as they watch me approach. He places his chin on his hand and stares at me with pure adoration.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Pitch and Jack glaring at me, very obviously catching on to what I'm doing. A sly smirk tugs at the corner of my lips as I sit down next to Dylan. I twirl a piece of my fiery hair between my fingers and smile at Dylan softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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