Chapter Twenty Two: Burning Jealousy

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Your POV

Okay it can't be that bad. Maybe if I just don't bring it up they won't either. I doubt they're even mad. I'll just walk through the portal and everything will be normal. They've probably forgotten about it by now anyways. Yeah, I bet they've totally-

I step through the portal and come face to face with two very upset spirits.

Okay. So maybe they haven't forgotten about it.

I smile sheepishly at the two spirits in front of me before looking around them at the other four guardians. They all give me worried looks before switching their gaze back to the boys.

"Uh, hey guys. You wanna hear about my first day?"

"Hear about it? I think we've seen enough (Y/n)," Pitch says coldly, studying my face intently.

Well, there goes the last thread of hope I was holding on to.

"Listen you don't understand-"

"Understand what, Cupid? You used your powers for the wrong reason!" Jack says, raising his voice slightly.

"Why would you be so.. so.. irresponsible! Things could've went all wrong. You could've exposed yourself!" Pitch yells, his voice a mixture of concern and anger.

"If you would just listen!" I retort, blinking back the heavy tears that are already forming in my eyes.

Don't they realize that I know I messed up? Do they really have to make me feel worse than I already do?

"Listen? Listen to what? Guardians don't use their powers to benefit themselves! They use their powers to protect others," Jack spits out, venom lacing his voice.

"I'm honestly so disappointed in you right now. Maybe you shouldn't be a guardian after all. Maybe turning you into a spirit was more of a mistake than we originally thought," Pitch adds, running a hand down his face.

That's my breaking point.

The tears start to fall down my face as I stare at them. I can't believe they said that. I shouldn't be a guardian? That's the worst thing anyone could ever say to me. That's... That's... That's heartbreaking.

"You didn't have to feel his heartbreak!" I yell before turning on my heel and running out of the room.

I sprint all the way to my bedroom and slam the door shut. I slump to the ground and pull my knees up to my chest, burying my face in my arms. Hot tears roll down my cheeks as muffled cries escape my throat. A few seconds later I hear frantic knocking on the door.

"Go away! I don't want to talk to you guys!" I yell through a crackled sob.

"Cupid honey, it's me and Sandy," I hear Tooth say through the wooden door. I wipe the tears from my eyes and rise to my feet.

"Come in."

The tall, heavy door creaks open as Tooth snd Sandy float in, shutting the door softly behind them. Tooth gasps quietly at the sight of my already swollen face and Sandy places a hand over his mouth, jingling faintly.

"Oh, Cupid. It's going to be okay," Tooth says, floating forward and wrapping her arms around me.

My sobs resound as I grow half limp in her arms. Hot tears paint my cheeks once more as I think over the words of the boys. My mind races as the tears stream down my flushed cheeks.

"I don't know why you did what you did, but I'm sure there's a good reason. The boys are probably just overreacting like they always do. It'll all be okay," Tooth says reassuringly.

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