Chapter Four: Accident

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Your POV

"WAKE UP!!!"

"Ahhhhh!" I scream and fall out of my bed hitting my head on the floor.

Ugh. Who was that?

I look up to see Jack floating over me laughing his head off.

Ugh. Of course. Does he not know anything about beauty sleep?

"Happy Birthday Cupid!" Jack smiles and scoops me up in his arms. He hugs me so tight.

"Jack. Too tight. Can't breathe," I squeeze out.

"Oops sorry," he says as he lets me go and laughs. I start to walk over to my dresser when Jack stops me.

"Nope, already picked out your birthday outfit," he says and points to a dress that's hanging on my bathroom door. I walk over to it.

It's a beautiful dress. The top is baby blue but fades into a dark blue as the dress goes down.

Of course he would pick blue.

It goes to about my mid thigh. I look at Jack and smile. "Thanks Frosty," I say as I rush to go put it on.

As I walk out of the bathroom I see Jack leaned up against the wall fiddling with a box. "I know that's not for me." Jack's head shoots up and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh please Cupid, did you really think I wouldn't get you anything?" He let's out a laugh and grabs my hand. My heart skips a little at his touch.

What was that? Did he feel it too?

I shake the thought out of my head and he leads me over to the chair in front of my mirror. He hands me the box.

"Open it." He has a smile plastered on his face.

"But wait, you know the others always want me to open all of my presents at the same time," I stop untying the ribbon.

"Yeah, but this one's special. I wanted it to be just the two of us. You know, as a.. bestfriend thing," and he blushed slightly.

Is he blushing again? Why is he always blushing all of the sudden?

"Ugh, okay fine. But don't tell Tooth. She'll kill me."

I pull the ribbon off the box and lift the top. Oh. My. Gosh. Wow.

It was a small heart with a blue stone on it. It had a small chain and it was honestly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

This is so pretty.

"Turn it over."

As I flip it over I let out a small gasp. There was a snowflake engraved on it and in small letters it said "Love, Frosty". I feel a tear start to slip down my face.

"Oh Jack, you shouldn't have!" I say as I jump on him and wrap my arms around his neck. He falls back onto my bed and laughs. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back tightly.

"I'm glad you like it," he says softly.

I lean up off of him, "Like it? I love it!" I look at Jack and smile.

I'm so happy. How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing bestfriend?

As I keep looking into his eyes I start to feel the tension in the room. I clear my throat.

"So, wanna help me put it on?"

We both laugh as I climb off of him and sit on my chair facing my mirror. He takes the necklace out of my hand and puts it on me. I feel his cold fingers linger on the back of my neck for a moment before he pulls them away. I start to do my hair as Jack watches intently. I pull it into another one of my signature side braids and tie it off at the end. I start to put my makeup on.

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