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Nikki's Pov

John's parents and my parents are coming over for a dinner . it's the first time my family and john's family is having dinner together so I'm nervous . Jj and lauren is coming , brie , bryan , nathaniel , matt ,coverly,  alanna and brie's new baby boy . John went to get his family so he will be back soon . My mom and dad just arrive and I'm happy . Dad carried alexia my little sister and I'm happy .

" hey ", I said

"Hey nicole ", mom and dad said hugging me .

"So where is john ", kathy said

"He went for his parents ", I said

"Oh his mom just don't like me for no reason ", mom said

"I know but keep it on the low ", I said as Coco ran up to me

"My baby ", dad said playing with Coco

"Papa ", Coco said

"Ok nicole just know that if his mom comes at me I'm going back at her and you look beautiful but your in sandals that's not your thing ", mom said

"I know ", I said as john family got here

"Hey nicole , sorry I'm gone so long ",john  said wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing me

"It's Ok ", I said

"Hey ", carol and coverly said

"Hey ", I said as they hugged me

"Hey ", matt and john's dad ( JD)  said

"Hey ", I said as alanna came to me

"Auntie nicole ", she said

"Hey my baby ", I said as john came behind me

"Boo ", he said as I jumped

"You scared me ", I said

"I'm sorry ", he said hugging me from the back

"Yea ", I said

"What's wrong with our moms ",he asked

"Your mom don't like my mom ", I said

"Why ", he said

"I don"t know. ", I said as he kissed my neck as brie , JJ , lauren and bryan came

"Hey you two , enough of that ", brie said as we laughed

"Hey guys ", we said

"Where is everyone ", JJ asked

"Outside ", I said

"Ok I'm going ", lauren said

"Fine we will be right out ", I said as they went

"So where were we ", john asked kissing me

"We are just about done now cause I'm already pregnant and no one out there know except brie and nathaniel ", I said as we held hands and we went outside

"Ok guys lets eat ". John said as we went to the dinning table

"Ok how is everyone ", I asked

" good ", they said as we ate for an hour

"So the whole reason for this dinner is because john and I have something to share with you guys ", I said as john hugged me

"Whats that ", carol said

" I'm pregnant ", I said as everyone was shocked

"Congratulations ", everyone said hugging

John's Pov

"John thank you for blessing my daughter with these kids , I love you ", kathy said

" I love you too ", I said as my mom made a face

"Hey what's the problem ", I asked

"Why don't you ask your mother I law ", she said

" mom really ," I said

"Yes really , I don't like her ", she said as kathy over heard

"Bitch , I don't like you either ", kathy said

"Was I talking to you ", mom asked

"No but you were talking about me bitch ", kathy said

"Your just being a bitch and trying to take my son from me ", mon said

"I have a son and I don't need one more " , kathy said

"Nathanie , Coco baby and alanna come with me ", nicole said as she walked away with them

"Bitch calm down ", mom said

"Bitch… ..", kathy said but I interuted

"Enough !! ". I said

"Both of you calm down , I'm tired of hearing this , you know kathy has been nothing but nice to me and your saying she is taking me away from you ", I said getting angry and went to nicole

" Hey are you ok ", I asked

"Yea I just didn't want to get stressed , I'm pregnant and itus not healthy ",nicole said

"Ok no matter what happen between our family , I love you ". I said

"I love you too ". She said as I kissed her

"John the kids ", she said

"Ok later we continue this ", I said

"Yea ", she said

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