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Nikki's Pov

We arrived at in arizona and I was with nanna talking as my phone rang and it was john

J - hey babe

Me - hello

J - did you reach safely

M - yes

J - so are you still made at me

"Hold up nanna I'll ne right back ", I said walking away

M - what did you say

J - are you still upset with me and why

M - it wasn't the fact that you were playing with coco and I told you to stop . it was just that the littlest thing I say you always want to start a arguement and it was infront of the kids

J - ok so what are we gonna do about this

M - I don't know

J - why don't you just stay in arizona for two weeks and see if we can spend time apart

M - ok

J - yea love you

I hanged up

I went back to nanna and the kids

"How is john "' , nanna said

"He is good , I guess ", I said

"Ok ", she said as I brought the kids to the room upstairs andwent on twitter and post a status ' I feel like my marriage is going down the drain ' as the fans started to comment

The next day I arrived at raw with john felix and coco was still in arizona .

"Momma I want dadda ", john felix said

"I'm coming ". I said going to nattie , trinity , paige and rosa

"Hey guys ". I said as trinity took john felix

"Hey ", they said

"What's wrong with John Felix ", trin asked

"He has the fever !, I said

"So nicole what was that status about with john ", nattie said as john walked in

"I don't want to talk about it ", I said as john touched my shoulders then I turned around

" umm can I talk to you now ", john said

"Daddy ", john felix said stretching to john as he took him

"Yes sure ", I said as he gave trinity john felix as we walked and talk .

"So what was the status about . why did you put that up ", he asked

"Because thayt's how I feel ", I said

"I like , feel embarassed because everyone is talking about this ", he said

"I didn't realised that every thing I did affects everyone ", I said as john held my hands

"You know that I love you and our marriage is not goin down the drain ", john said

"Well you have to treat me that way because you don't treat me good ", I said as me eyes was full of tear then john felix walked up to us

"Mommy ", he said as I wiped my tears

"Nikki we are going to the locker room ", trin said

"Ok thanks tho ", I said as I turned back to john

"Like I really truely feel like you don"t treat me as good as you did when we first got married ", I said crying as john hugged me and holding john felix

" I'm so sorry , I didn't know that you felt that way ", john said as he kissed me

"I love you ", he said

"Love you too ", I said wiping my tears

"Don't do this here ", he said as john Felix stretched for me and I took him

"I'll see you after raw ", I said

"Ok , stay strong ", john said

"Yea ", I said

"Come here ", he said holding me waist

"Yea ", I said

"I love you ok ", he said kissing me

"I love you too ", I said

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