I'm sorry

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Nikki 's Pov

I was at the arena with the kids in the locker room . They wrere sleeping as a knock was on the door .I went to get it and I was surprise .

"John I thought you were in L.A , what are you doing out here ", I said

"I can't away from my beautiful wife and kids so long ", john said hugging me

"I missed you so much ", I said kissing him as he came in

"Me too ", he said pulling me in his lap

"I love you so much ", john said kissing my neck

"I love you too ", I said as I pushed him off

"John not now " , I said

"Ok babe ", he said hugging me

"Yea "', I said

"So what new has happened ", john said rubbing my thighs

"Umm brie is pregnant again ", I said

"Woww , is she ok ". He asked

"Yea but bryan did want anymore kids and nathaniel stopped talking to brie ", I said

"Why ", john asked

"I don't know but nathaniel said she is upset because brie never calls her then she got pregnant and wanted nathaniel to come to doctor's apointment with her so natha said no and the stopped talking to her ", I said

"Wow so does she talks to you ".  He asked

"Yea " , I said

"Ok ", he said

"If I accidentally got pregnant would you be up set ", I asked

"Of course not ", he said

"Ok ", I said kissing him then john felix started to cry

"Oh I'll get him ", john said

"Ok babe ", I said he went for and came back , the baby was still crying

"I don't know whats wrong with him " , he said

"It's ok give him to me ", I said taking him

"I'm going for a walk ",I said

"Ok babe love you ". John said kissing me

'love you too ", I said the went to walk the baby

John's pov

Nicole went to walk the baby then coco woke up.

" Daddy !! ", coco said running as I lifted her up

"I missed you so much ", I said

"Me too ", coco said hugging me

"Were you a good girl for mommy ", I asked

"Hmmhmm ", she said

"ok ", I said as I showered her and got her dressed

"Where  is mommy , Did you two fight again ", coco asked

"No sweetie I would never fight your  mother cause I love her ", I said

"But last week you were shouting at her ", she said

"Yea and I'm sorry ", I said

"Ok but promise that you won't do it again , do hide any thing from me and when you see mom you give her a big kiss ", she said

"Ok I promise ", I said

"Can we go look for mommy ", she said

"Yea come on ", I said walked to catering and I saw nicole

"Mommy ", coco said

"Hey baby ". Nicole said as I went over to her grabed her then pulled her in for a long passionate kiss . After two minutes I pulled out

"What was that for ", she asked

"Umm coco said that I should give you a big kiss " , I said

'"Why ", she asked

"Because she thought that we were fighting again so I should promise that when I see you I should kiss you and I promised her ", I said

"Ok good and don't yell at me infront the kids ", she said

"Yea I know but you weren't answering me ", I said

"I know I'm sorry ", she said as I took the baby

"Your the best wife I ever had ", I said

" Yea I'm the best , prettiest, and the sexiest " , nicole said as I pulled her closer to me

"Yes you are ", I said kissing her

"Ok babe love you ", she said kissing me

I love you NOT her (Nena )Where stories live. Discover now