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Nikki' s pov

I know I haven't been talking about ariane much but she hasn't been talking me . I contacted her and she lost the baby . I honestly feel bad for her .

"Nicole can I talk to you ", john said

"Sure wats up ", I said

"I just feel like it's time for you to forgive my aunt cause she really want to have a relationship ", john said

"Umm why are we having this discussion ", I asked

"Because nicole the kids go around  everyone in your family,  me too and when it comes on to my family it's different ", he said

"What ever " I said walking away as he held my wrist tight

" no nicole",, he said sqeezing my wrist

"John I'm asking you calmly to let go of my wrist now ", I said as pushed me on the couch and walk away

" it's just funny how you say you love me but yet not my family . like fuck ", he said looking at me

"I don't know who the fuck you think your talking to but I'm not going too have you talk to me like that ", I said crying

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it ", john said holding my waist

"Sure", I said going up stairs and crying

"Coco  can you and your brother come here ", I said as I was packing some clothes

" yes mommy ", coco said

"Umm we are going to stay at a hotel for a couple of days ", I said

"Ok ", she said as I kissed she and john felix and we went downstairs

I opened the door and john put his foot there

"You aren't going anywhere especially with those kids " , john said

"Excuse me please ", I said

"No ", he said

"Fine ", I said calling carol and crying then he moved and I walked out

"I just want to be gone already ", I said

Keep reading !!

I'm sorry I haven't been updating more I have netball training

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