been dancing

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John's Pov

Nicole is at the performance center with coco from morning and she is on her way home . My mom is on her way too to surprise nicole . john felix is just walking around the house.  I was twitter then I fed john felix and nicole came

"My baby is finally drinking regular milk and not my breast ", nicole said walking inside

"Yea ", I said

"Hey babe ", nicole said kissing me

"Hey my wife ", I said pulling her next to me cause the baby was in my lap as I put my arm around her

"Why do you have to put emphasis on wife like that ",nicole said

"Because I'm just wondering if any superstar was checking out my wife cause that looks sexy ", I said

"No they wouldn't dear to do that , my body is for my mans ", she said as I looked at her

"Mans ? ", I asked

"You and john felix ", she said

"Ok babe I got you ", I said kissing her

"Ok I'm going to shower ", she said

"Ok ", I said as she went upstairs and a knock was on the door

"Hey son ", carol said and i was with JF (John felix) in my hands

"Come in she's upstairs taking a shower ",I said

"Ok ", she said as john felix finished his milk

"Ok baby go ", I said putting him down as he walked to carol

"Up up nanna up up ", john felix said

"He's walking when did he start ", she asked lifting him up

" Yesterday ", I said as nicole came downstairs

"Caarroooll ", nicole shouted and hugged her

"Hey ", carol said

"I missed you so much ", nicole said

"Nanna ", coco said hugging carol too

"Nicole I haven't seen you so long ", carol said

"I know I've been dancing ", coco said

"Yea ", she said

" John your the best ", nicole said kissing me passionately and we all know what happened that night

I love you NOT her (Nena )Where stories live. Discover now