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Nikki's Pov

Aj got out to dolph and he is willing to take care of the baby . I was upstairs with john and john felix as the door bell rang . coco answered it .

"Hello , who are you ", coco said

"I'm dolph and what's your name ", dolph said

"Nicole  .. ", she said as I interupted with john felix in my hands

"Why are you at my house ", I asked

"I would like to see aj ", he said

"Ok come in ", I said as he stepped in and I led him up stairs

"Thanks ", he said as I went back with john

Aj's Pov

I was in my room texting my mom as dolph came to my surprise .

"Hey ", dolph said

"Hey ", I said

"What's up ", he said

"Nothing just trying to hold through till this baby is here ", I said

"So what gender your having and how much months have you been ", he said

"I'm having a girl and I am eight and a half months ", I said

"I want to be there for you and this child ", he said

"Actions speak better than words , how don't I know that your gonna go on vacations and honeymmon with summer when I'm giving birth ", I asked

"Because I broke it off with her , I didn't want to be put out of my daughters life for stupidity " , he said

"Oh ok ", I said

"Can I touch ", he asked

"Yea sure ", I said as he rubbed my belly

"So what are you naming the baby ", he asked

"Dasia Nicole Nemeth and I was going to give her my last name but you have to earn your last name ". I said

"ok but why Nicole ", he asked

"Because she and her husband was the only one that help me through this and accept me in their home ", I said

"Ok fine ", he said

Nikki's Pov

"Yay !! Your back ", john said

"I was only gone for five minutes ", I said

"A long five minutes ", john said kissing me as john felix started kissing us

"He doesn't understand what's going on here ", I said

"It's Time for us to get ready for dinner and drop the kids at your mom's ", he said

"Yea let's go get you ready ", I said taking up john felix as he stretch for john and crying

"John felix you have to take a shower ", john said taking him

"Ok you shower him and I'll get coco ready ", I said

"Ok babe ", john said as I went and got coco read and pack the kids bag

"mommy do we have to spend the night at grandma's " , coco asked

" yea cause your dad and I are going somewhere ", I said

"Can't I stay with aunty aj ", she asked

"No aj has company ", I said

"Ok ", she said as I stepped in to my room and found john naked

"Where is john felix ", I asked

"In the play room ", john said as I locked the door

"Ok ", I said walking towards him

"You very sexy ", john said kissing my neck

"I haven't even showered yet ", I said

"So lets do this now ", john said

"No save that for later when it's just me and you in the hotel room ", I said kissing him

"Ok babe go shower ", he said as I showered and went to my dressing room and put on a white glove dress with a loui vuitton nine inch heels

"You look sexy ", john said

"And you look handsome ", I said as john packed the car and went to aj

"Oh sorry for interupting you guys but aj I'm about to leave to my mom's then dinner ", I said

"Ok honey I'll call you tonight ", aj said

"Yea we can face time tomorrow ", I said

"Ok bye you look nice ", she said

"Thank you and Bye ", I said rubbing her belly then walked to the car

" let's go ", john said

"Ok ", I said as we drove to my mom's house

"Hey ", my mom said as we got out the car

"Hey mom ", john and I said hugging her

"You two look nice ", mom said lifting up john felix

"Thanks and we have to get going ", I said as john held my hand

"Ok '", she said as nathaniel came running

"Aunty nicole ",  she said

"Hey my baby ", I said hugging her and kissing her then john did the same

"Ok nice too see you but when I come back I'll bring somthing for you ", I said as john helpped me in th car then went to his side and he drove off to the restaurant

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