What i deal With

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Nikki's POV

I was in the living room with Zorielle playing with her and looking on her then john came downstairs and took her up playing with her . I Went upstairs and came back with coco and john Felix .

" coco and john Felix your breakfast is on the table ", I said

" OK mommy " they said going to eat

" Daddy are you gonna be there for my dance meeting today ", coco asked john as he went to her

" of course ", he said

John's POV

I was talking to coco with Zori in my hand . I'm still upset at Nicole we haven't talk for days .

" daddy can you help me do this project for school ", coco asked

" Yea sure ", I said putting down zori and going back to coco

" umm I have some picture of mommy put I need to know the dates ", she said

" Did your mother set you up to this " I asked

" No " she said " This picture when was this "

" That was when your mom and I got married after you were born ", I said wanting to cry because I know I could have dealt with the situation better

" oh and this one this is my favourite " , she asked

" That's when your mom was pregnant with you and that was our first vacation together ", I said as brie came through the door

" Hey john where is my sister ", brie said as I pointed upstairs

Nikki's POV

I was upstairs with the baby . we took shower I got dress as well as zorielle. I was on the bed with her as brie walked in.

" hey sista and my new niece ", brie said kissing zori

" hey " , I said as brie looked at me

" What's up with you ", brie asked

" umm it's john he is such a bastard ", I said

" what do you mean ", she asked

" I tied my tubes and he was talking about having more kids . So I told him , he got upset shouting at me to the point where the kids heard . He grabbed a suitcase with clothes so I asked where were he going he slammed the door in my face and. Didn't return for about three days . Brie I'm really stressed out marriage is going down the drain , I have a baby , I don't know how much I can do this any more ", I said

" wow , Nicole I mean you should have told him but at the same time he didn't have to react like that ", brie said

" Exactly and I agreed that I should have told , I tried to talk to me and I've been getting silent treatment ", I said sad

" umm why dont you make someone keep the kids for some days ", brie asked

" They was staying with JJ and Lauren but then wanted to come back home ", I said

" OK well randy told me to tell John something so can you call him ", brie said as I looked at her

" John ", I said " John " I said with no answer

" brie he is not going to answer me so just call him yourself ", I said as I looked out the window wanting to cry

" John " brie said as he came upstairs to brie

" Yea what's up ", he said

"Randy said you have make a wish next week ",  she said

"OK ", he said

" Didn't you hear Nikki calling you ", brie said as he just looked at her then looked at Nicole staring outside then looked back at brie

" Never mind ", brie said shacking her head as he walked back downstairs

" And this is what I deal with ", I said going to brie

" I'm Sorry Nicole ", brie said

" It's fine ", I said as brie left

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