april 3, 2007

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    CONSIDERING HEATH HID HIMSELF from Lennon for the duration of early production, it was freeing when they finally got to work with each other again

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CONSIDERING HEATH HID HIMSELF from Lennon for the duration of early production, it was freeing when they finally got to work with each other again. The last time they were on a set together was for Brokeback Mountain, and, well, they both knew how that went.

Instead of any tension or competition, doing their few scenes together finally felt complete. Lennon admired how into the role Heath had gotten, even to a point that she remained frightened at the sight of his gruesome makeup. She never worked on a movie that had the potential to be considered 'scary' so seeing such detailed scars on his face was eye opening.

Being off set was practically as joyous as being on set together, though. It had been several weeks since Heath joined the crew in Chicago, and almost every second of his time spent there was with Lennon. They even conjoined hotel rooms to make sure they saw each other every day no matter their shoot time. It was practically like they were married, the only downside was hiding from paparazzi and dealing with Michelle's lengthy phone calls.

But after weeks of being on set, and Lennon being done filming her scenes, Michelle agreed to bring Matilda to Chicago. Lennon respectfully agreed to stay in Chicago with Heath and help take care of Matilda while he was on set. As much as Michelle wanted to scream "no!" and take Matilda as far from the brunette as she could, she knew being petty wouldn't benefit her child in the long run. It had been a solid length of time that her and Heath had been split, so maybe it was time to let the negative energy go, she thought.

The clock in the airport read ten fifteen in the morning that Tuesday, and Lennon was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Michelle and Matilda at O'Hare. The plan was for Heath to pick up Matilda, but a change in schedule meant he was still down in the tunnels of Chicago rehearsing with Christian.

Fuck, I hope I'm at the right terminal, Lennon thought. The flight was scheduled to land at 9:45, but Michelle and the toddler were still nowhere in sight.

"Lennon." A tap on the shoulder brought the brunette back to reality. She turned to see Michelle dawning dark rimmed glasses and a baseball cap.

She held a diaper bag in her right hand and Matilda on her hip all while somehow managing to have a suitcase by her feet.

"Do you want me to take her?" Lennon opened her arms wide letting Michelle easily put her baby in her arms.

"Obviously I don't want you to, but," Michelle shrugged her shoulders taking the suitcase from floor and dragging it down the airport halls, "my opinion doesn't really matter right now."

The three girls made their way to the pick up section of the airport where a car was waiting to take Matilda and Lennon back to the hotel. It was ironic that Matilda was so peaceful in Lennon's arms considering it was really their first time being close with one another.

    "It's Heath's birthday tomorrow, I'm sure you're aware," Michelle began to buckle Matilda into the car seat, side eyeing Lennon who was smoking a few feet away, "there's a gift Tilly made for him with the nanny, it's wrapped up in her diaper bag, make sure he gets it okay?"

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