july 14, 2008

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    THE AMC CENTER WAS PREPARING for the arrival of the all star Dark Knight cast

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    THE AMC CENTER WAS PREPARING for the arrival of the all star Dark Knight cast. It was Heath's first appearance since his accident, and it was the first time he and Lennon would appear together as an engaged couple. More surprisingly, a couple in general.

    The two sat in the limo, Lennon nervous as they slowly approached the busy premiere. They were still two blocks away, but they could hear the commotion of photographers and fans as if they were stood in front of them. It made sense, though. The anticipation of the second installment of Chris' Batman film saga had been eating at people since it was first announced. Even more so because people were on the edge of their seats to see Heath's interpretation of the Joker. The last time the Joker had been on film was back in 1989 when Jack Nicholson played the iconic role.

"Len," Heath nudged Lennon who was dazed looking at the crowds of people. "We gotta go."

He motioned towards the open limo door, getting out first so he could help her with her dress. She looked incredible, and Heath made sure she knew that the whole ride to the theatre. Seeing her on the red carpet really solidified how much of a princess she looked.

"Right this way Mr. Ledger," the assistant motioned for them to follow after her. They speed walked past photographers, going behind a few interviews so they could make it to where they needed to be.

After a few moments of being blinded by camera lights, Heath and Lennon finally made it inside the large movie theatre. Maggie and Peter called the two over once they could get their attention.

"Everything is free." Maggie took a large gulp of her champagne, "and I mean everything. Candy, popcorn, nachos... I already stole a few things."

Lennon rolled her eyes, "Maggie we just got here."

"I couldn't help myself, I mean free Candy at a movie theatre? Are we kidding?"

Lennon was interested at this claim, and made her way over to the concession stand. She was surprised that Maggie wasn't exaggerating when some of the workers tried to hand her free M&M's, she declined and got popcorn instead.

"Want some?" Lennon asked Heath as she made her way beside him, he shook his head. "Why? You're still nervous?"

For the last three days Heath had severe insomnia and anxiety over the premiere. Having to do interviews, and be back in the public again was a lot for him to handle after everything that had happened. He couldn't help but be embarrassed, and no matter how much he made it clear to his publicist that he wouldn't be answering any personal questions, the paparazzi still existed.

Heath nodded, "yeah, I'm sorry- I know you said we would have a good time and–"

"Heath it's fine." Lennon was doing her best to reassure him, "we have to stay for part of it, though. That's what your publicist said, so we'll stay for the first twenty then leave?"

He nodded his head in agreement, grateful that Lennon was willing to compromise.

As they made their way into the auditorium, Heath was taken aback when everyone stood and gave him a standing ovation. The film hadn't even started yet, but here all these people stood in awe of the man they had seen only in short clips. Heath looked back to Lennon who smiled and clapped along with the rest of the auditorium.

"This is your moment!" She smiled.

After Heath had received the minute long standing ovation, his confidence had greatly heightened. Instead of leaving twenty minutes into the film, he agreed to stay for the whole thing; watch it in its entirety. Lennon was surprised that he had changed his mind, but she was glad that he had grown a sense of comfort.

By the time the movie ended it was late, not to mention the two had been stopped every five minutes for photos and autographs. It was strange the level of impact the film had already taken on their lives, and Lennon knew it would probably only get worse. She tried to let the constant photo taking go, but deep down she knew this wasn't a good start. They would need to invest in security.

When they entered the limousine with Maggie and Peter, all four simultaneously let out deep breaths.

"Well that was..." Peter was at a loss for words.

"Insane!" Maggie clapped her hands together, "they love you guys. I mean did you see the standing ovation they gave Heath before it even began? That was crazy!"

Heath laughed at her enthusiasm, he grabbed Lennon's hand squeezing it tight in his. Having her by his side the whole night made everything a lot less stressful.

"Are we all going to the after party?" Maggie spoke after a moment of silence. She was hesitant to ask, knowing Heath hadn't been to a party in a while.

Lennon gave Heath a look, making sure he was honest in his response, "let's go. I think I'll be okay, and if not we can always leave."

"Are you sure?" She asked him, but he nodded. "Alright I guess we'll go."

Luckily the after party was the direction the driver was heading, so they were able to make it within another fifteen minutes of traffic. Lennon wasn't even entirely sure where this so called after party was, but Maggie ensured that Chris told her when and where.

When they arrived at the hotel entrance, Lennon was confused, but the confusion subsided as paparazzi began to flood the limousine. The commotion of cameras clicking and flashes going off was enough to make her want to stay seated, but Heath encouraged her as he took her hand with him.

    The ballroom of the hotel was packed with partygoers and celebrities alike. As Heath and Lennon entered a round of applause erupted, and multiple people attempted to shake Heath's hand much to his amusement.

    "This is mental," Heath yelled over the music to Lennon who was starstruck at the magnitude of press.

    They made their way over to a table where Christian, Cillian, and Aaron were engrossed in a conversation, halting as the two couples approached.

    Christian was sat with his arm around a brunette woman, she looked familiar, Lennon just couldn't put her finger on a name. When he noticed his ex's figure in her fit dress Christian had to stop himself from looking her up and down in front of Heath. She looked better than his date.

    "Heath, glad you came," Aaron stood up and gave him a firm handshake, offering Lennon a small smile.

    Lennon smiled back, the smile remaining for the rest of the night as they partied away. Heath and her had the best night together, and she was glad that they were both able to stay sober the whole time. It seemed too good to be true.


i literally do this to you guys ever two months lmfao i'm sorry, i've been in school but my semester just ended today so figured i would update now that i have the chance!!

also i'm sorry i feel like this chapter is ass but i had half of it written and just finished it as we  speak so i was kind of thrown off cause it's been a little while since ive written and ughhhh lol but i hope you guys enjoyed it

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