Gay Bar prt 2- (Be Alright)

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Jonathan's POV

"Mom, I'm heading out!" "Alright, drive safe. Also, I might not come tonight" "Alright mom, bye!"

I get in my sports car and head out. On my way, I noticed a recognizable figure, it was Evan...I blush and turn away, but then I remembered I smashed his bike, and school is pretty far away from here...I quickly shake out my blush and pull up next to him and pukes down the window. "Hey, you know school is pretty far right?" "Yeah, but my bike was smashed, I wonder who did it" he glares at me. "Yeah, sorry about that...I'll take you." "Pfft, yeah right, I thought guys like you don't give a shit about other people." "Fine then, suit yourself" I start putting the window back up until..."wait!...fine" I smirk and he gets on. In our way, I took small glances at him, his cute body shape, his dark hair, his jawline and tanned skin, so perfect...

We arrive at the school and we both get off at the same time...bad decision..."Look!! The gay boy was giving Jon a blow job while he drived!" "No way man! So gross!! I bet Jon paid him. I glare at them and notice the Evan is power walking to the school, until he bumps with my friend Luke. "Watch where y'all going gay boy"

Evan's POV

I look down and continue walking. I quickly make my way into the janitor's bathroom...the janitor knows how abused I get in the main bathrooms, so she lends me her bathroom. I put my hands on the sink and start crying "Damn it! Why me...?" I sob and I hear a knock on the door. "Evan...are you there? Is everything alright?" Its my bisexual friend Marcel. "Yeah...yeah...I'll be out in a minute" "Alright". I wipe my face and clean my nose, I stare deeply into the mirror..."When will society change...?" "I don't know man" Marcel answers me. I come outside and he rubs my shoulder "Come on, class is going to start soon" I nod and walk with him to music class.

It's already lunch time and me and Marcel part ways, he has to be with his autistic friend every lunch hour, I don't mind at all, the kid gets bullied for being something he didnt choos, like us. I head to the room where I usually hang out, but there was something odd...there was a voice, singing a soft and sad melody...

"And my friend said... I know you love him but it's over mate, it doesn't matter, put the phone's never easy to walk away, let him go, it'll be alright..."

He notices me and cuts himself off. To my surprise, it was Jonathan. "The asshole of the school can sing, impressing" "Hah hah. Fuck off" "Sorry, but this is my spot, and I'm not going anywhere." He groans and pats the floor next to him. I sit there. "Why are you even here, aren't you supposed to be with your bully friends?" "You sure have a lose mouth. They're busy" "I see..." I open my bag and give him a cookie. "Here, I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten." "Th-thanks..." he looks at the cookie. "It's not poisoned" he chuckles and eats it. I know it's been weird to talk to him, but he is being rather nice with me. "I'm impressed you haven't beaten me up yet for being gay" "I don't see the point, it's not going to change your mind." Wow...he actually has some sense. "Well, I have to go, I promised the spanish teacher to clear her board. He nods and I make my way to the classroom. I clear the board and the teacher is already writing a new vocabulary. "What does that say?" "Your supposed to look it up yourself but, since you helped me, I'll tell you. Its says: 'El Corazón Persigue Lo Que Ama Mientras La Mente Huye De Eya', it means 'The Heart Follows What It Loves While The Mind Runs Away From It'" "Wow, that's deep" "Yeah, you can use it as a reflection for today" I nod and stare at it...what the heart loves and the mind runs away...weird.

School finishes and I notice Jonathan waiting next to his car. He looks over to me and repeatedly snaps his fingers for me to hurry up. I get in his car. While he gets in and starts the engine, I receive a message from my dad's boyfriend: "Hey kiddo, your dad's car got pulled over, we are right now at the station, can you take care of the bar today? Thanks"
I groan and Jonathan notices. "What's wrong?" "Can you take my to the gay bar in Mapple Drive Street(making up shit in the spot)"Sure".

We arrive and surprisingly, theres no one waiting, weird. "Thanks for the lift, I'll pay you soon" "You can pay me now" "No free drinks, buy it with the money I'll give you tomorrow" I get off and head to the bar and open it. one has come yet...

A few minutes pass and I have atleast 4 clients. I go to the private bathroom outside but on my way in the back alleyway, I notices a familiar figure in the back...holy shit it's the masked client. "Hey, the bar entrance it's that way. This is an employee's only area." He gets closer to me, making me blush and stand back. "Hey man, what's your deal, you first kiss me and now you look like your about to kill me" He gets closer pretty fast, cornering me against the wall. I blush and look away, completely terrified. He pulls it his mask, revealing his red painted clown lips, he smiles...a pretty handsome smile I will admit. He holds my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. He smashes his lips against mine, I try to push him away but daaaamnnn... his lips are soft...I slowly melt into the kiss. I wanna punch myself indeed but my body isn't listening. He wraps his arms around my waist and I put my hands on his neck. Shit intensifies until we break apart for breath. "Who...who are you...?" He grins. He opens his mouth, about to tell me something, until we hear a gunshot. "What the hell?!" I run inside the bar, the masked client disappeared. I go to the bar stool and see a man, eyes bloodshot, messy hair and bags under his eyes. "I'll kill all of you fags!! I'll send you all to hell!" "Sir please! Put the gun down!" I yell and he snaps, pointing the gun at me. "Your a gay boy too right?! You bastard" I was about to shit my pants until the man got punched by...Jonathan?! The man drops the gun, he stretches to grab the gun but Jonathan pulls him by his feet and starts kicking him. The man grabs his leg and makes Jonathan fall. He grabs Jon's collar with one hand and starts punching him. I panick and kick the dude. Jon quickly gets up and pins the man. "Has anyone called the police?!" Jon yells, "I did!" A young client exclaims. Jon nods and waits for the cops to arrive. The police arrives and arrests the man, they question me and Jonathan and left.

I close the shop early but I stayed inside the bar and helped Jon with his bruises. "Stay still" "You stay still" "Real mature Jonathan, your a big boy now" I roll my eyes and Jonathan glares at me. "How the hell did you get here" "Saw the dude with the gun, so I followed him and noticed he entered your bar" "Quick thinking. I'm almost done" as I was cleaning a punch wound on Jon's face, I noticed a bit of white and red pain near his cheek bone, weird right?.

Jonathan's POV

He's so close...I can feel his body warmth...don't get a boner, don't get a boner. His concentrating face is really cute tho. I want to kiss him, but not yet...I only need a few more days... He's between my legs...his abdomen is between my legs... I guess I have jack off material for tonight now.

1397 words...I'm dead, I wanted to finish it here but like, I wanna add smut, and the build up is still not getting there. If you noticed I added a few things that have meanings. The song was the one that set my mood to write this chapter, the spanish quote was because I wanted to add a bit from my language, and it supports the idea of the chapters. And as you saw, the shooting at the bar, I placed it there because of all the bullying Evan is getting, it reminded me of the incident of the shooting in a gay bar where a dude killed multiple people that didn't deserve it, I tried to show awareness to misjudgment because of how much shit people give us, just recently, one of my ex's became homophobic out of nowhere, and I was like, bitch, you dated this bisexual ass! You could've had a threesome with me and someone else bitch. Yeah, also, longest chapter I've done, and there's still waaayyy more, so BeMyFriendsPLZ83 if you really are enjoying this, dont worry, so amI, and I'm gonna make a 3rd part, same for Yandere Vanoss, I will make a second part.

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