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Far From Home Spoilers

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Far From Home Spoilers


The strong smell of the coffee brewing in the glass pot made me want to throw up. My morning hair was sticking up in all directions and I wasn't sure what time it was. A quick glance at the stoves clock read 5:04am and it was definitely too early to even be functioning. I couldn't sleep for more than a few hours it seems, but even that was pushing it. I tossed and turned all night even having a few raging nightmares. The coldness from the other side of the bed was definitely new. I didn't like it. I yawned before I grabbed a ceramic mug in one of Aunt Mays cupboards.

"Can I have some?" Peters soft voice asked from behind me.

"You don't even like coffee." I chuckled graveling.

"That's true," Peter chuckled, "But I'm down to try new things."

I craned my head to raise my eyebrow at my little brother, knowing there was a double meaning to his words.

"Alright." I shrugged, grabbing another ceramic mug out of the cupboard and filling both cups with the steaming cup of freshly made coffee. "But no I'm not patrolling with you at night."

Peter whined, "Why not!? Come on this could be fun! We can be the crime fighting siblings!"

"Peter," I sighed running my hand through my ratty hair, "I'm done being the hero."

"What? I-I mean you can't j-just..." The younger boy stuttered, wincing at how hot the cup of coffee was when he grabbed it.

"I just can't do that anymore, Pete. I need to get my shit together and try and win back Nat." I softly told my brother, turning around to put the creamer in, watching as the light color mixed with the dark background.

"I understand. It would just be nice to have you swinging out there with me." He chuckled lightly, grabbing his warm coffee off the counter.

A heavy silence settled upon us like it was settling into our clothes. It was like a massive blanket that was trying to keep us warm.

"You can go with me to see Dr. Octavius if you want. I think you'll really like him." I offered trying to ease the tension.

Peter looked up from his mug, doe brown eyes looking like a pool of honey in the morning sun that was just now streaming in through the curtains.

"I thought you wanted to try and get Nat back." His affectionate smile faltered and sagged into a frown.

"Don't worry little brother," I patted his shoulder, "If I finish my work with Doc Oc, then nothing is in the way of stopping me from getting my girl back. Which is why, when you see the Avengers, you have to be my eyes and ears."

"You want me to spy... on a spy?" Peter gave me a bored look.

"Yes! Come on keep up Parker!" I joked, taking another sip of my warm coffee. I felt the warm liquid run down the back of my throat and making me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Peter said after a moment, his lips curling up into a warm smile.

I pulled the slightly shorter muscular boy into my arms as I hugged him tightly, "Thank you." I released a shaky breath before I swallowed back the lump in my throat.

"You're my sister, I got your back always." Peter replied in the same soft tone.

"Okay enough with this sappy shit." I pulled back and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand before the tears fell, letting out a watery laugh.


I held the door open for Peter before walking through. The lab Doc Oc and I had wasn't anything special like the one in the Avengers compound. The lab was in the top floor of the building Oscorp was renting for him, then being the ones who were funding our research.

"So you guys are working on prosthetics?" Peter asked when I pulled my key card out for the machine to scan and unlock the door.

I hummed in acknowledgement, before hearing the door click open.

"Yep," I replied popping the P, "Today the board is coming to see the live testing."

"Exciting!" Peter squealed. I chuckled at my younger brother before following the sound of the doctor talking.

"Hey doc." I smiled at my mentor, "Hope you don't mind but I brought my brother with me today."

"Hello Mister Octavius." Peter greeted professionally, sticking his hand out.

"You must be Peter!" Doc Oc shook his hand, "Y/n here doesn't shut up about how proud she is of you. Sometimes I wonder if you have a bigger brain than her."


Both Peter and the Doc chuckled, "Sorry y/n."

"Are these the schematics for the machine?" Peter asked looking at the various machine plans that were laying on the table.

"Those would be it. Feel free to check my work, y/n usually does." Octavius chuckled before walking back over to the man trying out the prototype.

"These are amazing! I mean with the right materials this thing will help millions!" Peter exclaimed excitedly.

"They sure will." I replied, smiling at my little brother.

"Damnit!" Doc hissed and I could smell the smoke before I saw it. Peter and I rushed over towards the volunteer and took the smoking metal arm off him.

"I'll check the schematics and we'll try again." I told him as I set the arm on one of the less cluttered tables.

"What's going on here?" A tall ebony hair woman strutted in with her suit tailored tightly to her body.

"Y/n, Peter, you guys should head on home. I'll handle the rest of this from here." Doc sighed heavily.


"I was obsessed with my work. I still am." I chuckled bitterly, sitting up right on the rooftop we were lounging on. "That's why we broke up."

"I'm sorry, y/n. You'll get her back I'm sure of it it." Peter sat up next to me and slung his arm around my shoulder, "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man won't rest until my sister is happy."

"Thanks Pete." I smiled over at my brother.

"Speaking of girls," I smirked evilly at the brunette boy "How are things going with you and MJ?"

A bright pink tint rose upon his pale cheeks.

"Uh I-" He stumbled over his words. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and immediately my eyes darted around the skyline of New York.

The ground began to shake violently and out emerged this giant rock monster two times the size of some of these buildings.


"I know. Come on, we have to go." I jumped off the roof and landed in a dark alley near it and stripped off my clothes to reveal my dark Spider-Man suit.

"I thought you said the superhero life wasn't for you anymore." Peter rushed out the words as he put the mask on.

I scoffed, "Our luck is pretty shitty. I had a feeling the first day wasn't going to be easy."

I shot my web at the corner of the building before swinging off to go and pay a visit to old rock monster.

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