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"Incoming mission. Raft prisoners have escaped and are making their way to the streets." FRIDAYs voice woke Nat and I from our peaceful nap.

"Get suited up and let's get to the quinjet." Steve said stopping by the doorway adjusting his helmet. Steve tossed me my black Spider-Man suit before running away.

Both of us jumped up and began getting dressed quickly. Once Nat was done getting dressed, I felt her place a gentle kiss on my lips before I pulled the mask over my head.

"Head to the quinjet. Tell Cap I'll meet you guys there." I told her quickly before leaping out of my bedroom window.


"How did they all even escape?" Clint asked breathlessly.

"Power grid went out. I mean the entire thing is fried." Tony scoffed.

"Can you get it back up?" Cap asked. I landed on the side of the building, leaping off onto a prisoner and knocking him into his friends.

I ducked under a punch, hitting him in the stomach and sending him flying into a wall. I shot my webs at him, making him stick to the wall.

"Well, duh!" Tony snickered, "It just might take some time."

"I'll head inside. There's more prisoners in there and I'll keep them away from Stark." I grunted, shooting at web at a prisoners face and pulling him right into my fist.

"Clint and I are coming with you." Nat said into the coms.

The three of us entered the building, helping some of the police officers who were being trapped and or surrounded by inmates.

"Get out of here and get to safety!" I helped a police office out from under a pile of rubble.

The building began to shake and I stumbled back into a wall, my spider senses tingling. I jumped onto a pillar just in time for Rhino to burst through the concrete wall.

"What the fuck is that?!" Clint shrieked.

"My second favorite Russian." I smirked.

"SPIDER!" Rhino roared.

"Nice to see you again, spider. You want to take my offer and see what the inside of your skull looks like now?" Scorpion cackled.

"And who's that? Your cousin?" Clint yelled over to me, gripping his bow tightly in his hand.

"Yeah, on my dads side!" I joked back.

"Heads up, two more villains escaped." Nat told the others in the prison yard. I leapt off he pillar and tackled Scorpion to the ground, dodging his poisonous tail.

Rhino picked my up and threw me across the room. I shot my web at his horn and flung myself back at him, kicking him in the face.

"How's the power grid looking Stark!" I leapt back and dodged scorpions tail as Clint and Nat were fighting off more inmates that charged.

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