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"Y/n, I'm sorry I was a little harsh the other day. I've been following a lead and I think this could really bring our work back on track. Everything happens for a reason. We'll show Osborn." Ottos voicemail rung inside my suit as Peter and I swung towards the bridge.

I'm glad Doc found a different way. His work is too precious to go to waste. I thought, landing on the side of the bridge.

"I don't see the creature anywhere." Peter Said landing next to me.

My eyes scanned around the busy bridge, hearing card honk at one another as they tried to get where they needed to be. Under us was a large body of water that was calm and still, the total opposite of what was going on around me.

"Agent Hill, the sightings are clear there's- MOVE!" I pushed my brother just in time for a sticky arrow to lodge itself in my arm.

"Y/n!? Peter!? What's happening?" Agent Hill Said.

I gripped the arrow and pulled it out of my arm, inspecting the body of it. The body was black along with the arrow head that was dripping with my blood.

"I'm starting to think this was a trap." I grunted.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked. I nodded my head before trying to get up to higher ground.

"Who was that?"

I shook my head, "I don't know."

"Hill, I need a lookout overhead." I spoke into my coms.

"On it. I'm sending in the Guardians."

My spider senses began tingling and I leapt off the tall pillar, backflipping over another incoming arrow. Using my webs I was able to grab the arrow and throw it back with great precision.

"Heads up, we got Kraven the Hunter being carried by Vulture!" I yelled into my com, watching the arrow hit Kraven in the shoulder.

I started shootings some webs at Vulture to try and block the mechanics on his wings.

"Pete, shoot at Vulture, I'm going up." Leaping off the pillar I aimed my webs for Kravens chest, the sticky webs hitting his flesh as I pulled myself towards him, dodging another arrow. Kraven ripped off my webs but it was too late, I cocked my fist back and hit him straight in the nose.

"You're going down spider!" He spat in my face.

"Yeah yeah, they all say that. Think of something original." I punched him in the jaw this time. The Hunter was momentarily dazed so I started prying Vultures hands off his shoulders.

"Make sure you stick the landing." I smirked at the Hunter behind my mask, pressing my feet on his chest and backflipping off, shooting my webs at the birds mechanic wings so I wouldn't fall off.

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