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"You expect me to believe that Doctor Octavius is the last member of the sinister six?" Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

"All evidence points to him. And if it's not him then who?" I huffed, slamming my hand on the table in the conference room.

"Maybe he's just the tech guy." Sam said.

"Just the tech guy." I shook my head bitterly.

"If it's not him then who else is it?" Nat asked Sam.

"I don't know. All I'm saying is, you don't have evidence that he's actually on the team. For all you know they're threatening him with something so he makes weapons." Falcon shrugged.

"Sam's right. Look, you found out who was making the arrows and it wasn't who you thought it'd be. I'm sorry, kid." Steve patted my back.

"Listen here, Cap, my brother is still missing and I don't see any of you trying to help in the slightest. All you want to do is just keep me in the fucking medic bay and carry on about your lives!" I spat in his face.

"Agent y/l/n!" Fury barked.

"Spill the tea, y/n." Tony coughed.

I clenched my jaw, "Where's your evidence Captain?"

"Agent y/l/n that's enough!" Fury grabbed my bicep tightly. I shrugged him off me, clenching my fists so tightly my knuckles were turning white.

"Y/n, you have to understand, I can't send a team to go and seize Doctor Octavius without proof he is the last member of the team. There's going to be questions on how we got these files and sooner or later your cover is going to be blown. This is not how we do things in SHEILD." Fury told me.

"Then maybe I'm not supposed to be apart of it." I growled, pushing my way out of the room. I was so angry at everything. No, I was inflamed with rage and grief.

"Y/n wait up! Fury didn't mean that, I-" Nat caught up to me, gently spinning me around to face her.

"Will you please look at me!?" She sighed, bringing my face up to meet hers. I sniffled, trying to turn around so I could leave but Natasha was stubborn.

"Try and turn away from me again and I'll taser you." Her eyes narrowed at me. I tossed my head back with a huff, feeling like a small child.

"I miss Peter." I sniffled.

"I know. We'll get him back." She pulled me into a hug and I cried even harder. Her warm cinnamon apple scent invading my senses and clouding my mind. I wrapped my arms around her, digging my fingers into her softly. I wanted to be as close to her as I could, reveling in her touch.

Her fingers stroked up and down my back in a soothing manner, and soon my cried began to die down.

"Follow me." She whispered softly in my ear, hot breath fanning my face I could smell the mint gum she was chewing.

Natashas grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room in the compound, leading me over to the bed where we both sat down.

"Lay down, you need to rest." Her words were gentle and comforting.

I laid down and put one arm behind my head, eyes lingering on her. I watched as she climbed in next to me, turning on her side so that she was facing me and grabbed my hand that was on my stomach to intertwine our fingers. Her thumb pad ran circles on my knuckles as I felt a yawn come up my throat.

"What if Peters dead?" I broke the silence that hung over us, staring at the white ceiling. 

"Then we mourn him and make sure that his name isn't forgotten. You should call Aunt May, I know she misses you. MJ too." Her hand let go of my hand and rested on my cheek as she scooted closer to me.

"I don't want to talk to them right now. I can't." I gulped. "What if I'm not good enough to stop the sinister six?"

I felt her nails dig into my cheek softly, turning my head so that our faces were mere inches apart.

"If theres one thing you are, is good. Don't ever doubt yourself. Besides, you won't be alone. The Avengers got your back. I got your back."

Our noses brushed up against each other and I felt content again, like all my worries and dark thoughts vanished. She was home.

"I don't want anything to happen to you." I whispered softly, feeling our lips brush together.

"You worry too much." She bit her bottom lip, green eyes a few shades darker as she looked up at me.

I looked up at her, admiring the way her face was sculpted into pure perfection, "I really want to kiss you right now."

"Nobody is stopping you." Black widow husked.

"But you said we should have some time apart." I placed my hand on her cheek, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear.

"I say a lot of things I don't mean. I thought maybe having some time apart I could get over my feelings for you. I was afraid to let you back in again. But the universe had other plans and my feeling won't go away. You're my home, y/n. You're my stability and as cheesy as it sounds, I hate being away from you."

"So kiss me."

Both of us leaned forward, our lips brushing together slightly before Nat leaned in closer, her leg pushing through mine and intertwining our legs. I let out a content sigh when our lips molded together again, moving slowly and passionately, discovering every inch and crevice as if it was the first time all over again. My thumb on her cheek began stroking her soft skin, her hand gripping my shirt.

We moaned at the same time when her tongue met mine, the kiss becoming a little more heated and passionate. My body was on fire, every nerve standing to attention. Both of us pulled apart after that poetic moment, panting lightly and with flustered cheeks.

"I missed that " She sheepishly admitted, a angelic giggle leaving her lips.

I laughed quietly a long with her, "Me too."

"Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up." She pecked my forehead, the tip of my nose, then kissing me one last time.

Nat tossed a small blanket over us as I curled further into her body before drifting off to sleep.

A/n: honestly the kiss wasn't planned 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like how it happened tbh *pats myself on the back*

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