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I groaned in pain when Electro kicked my body to the ground, dragging me around like I was some rag doll. I felt weak it hurt to breathe. My vision was cloudy and I couldn't remember the last time I slept. Hazy memories fading in and out of what I did while I was under the influence of Venom.

"We got big plans for your sister, bug." Electro cackled, kicking me in the ribs. I coughed violently as I tried to push myself off the cold cement floor.

My stomach hit the floor once more and my air was knocked out of me. Wheezing, I managed to stand up and leaned against the wall for support as I held my ribs.

"I won't let you hurt her." I raised, my throat constricting at how dry it was.

"It's a little late for that. Venom is already in her system. Can't you hear her screams?" The villain spat at my feet.

It was true, my sisters screams echoed around the abandoned building. It hurt. She was in pain and I was too weak to help her.

While the arrogant man was too busy talking out of his ass, I switched the web type on my wrist to a smoke bomb.

"Your plan won't work and I'll make sure of it." I mumbled tiredly, shooting the smoke bomb right at his face.

Thank you Mr. Stark. The smoke hissed as it came out in a thick grey cloud. I used this opportunity to forcefully climb up to the air vent, making my way out of the building. I fell out of the vent and onto the top of the dumpster in the back alley.

Hopping off the dumpster, I hobbled out of the alley way and onto the streets of New York, fixing my mask.

"FRIDAY, call Mr. Stark."


"We've hooked him up to some fluids and ran some other tests. He'll be fine, maybe just a little disoriented when he wakes up. He'll need to be on bed rest until his body heals."

"Thanks Doc."

I groaned, "Mr. Stark?"

"Hey kid. Glad to have you back." Tony patted my shoulder.


I jolted up right, squinting my eyes once the blinding light burned my retinas. I sucked in a breath and calmed down once I realized I was in the medic bay, waking Steve from his nap in the chair next to my bed.

"You're awake." He replied deeply, voice thick with sleep.

"Where's y/n?" I croaked.

Steve sighed deeply as he poured me a cup of water, "They took her."

I dismissed the cup of water and began ripping the IVs from my arms, doing my best to ignore the stinging sensation. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my feet touched the cold floor. I took one step before I collapsed into Steve's arms.

"Slow down, Nat. You have fourteen broken bones." Steve helped me back on the bed.

"That just means I have a hundred and ninety two bones that are in perfect condition. I need to find her, Steve." I groaned in frustration, pulling at the ends of my hair.

"I know." The super solider whispered tenderly. "We found Peter. He's in the room next to yours."

My eyes widened at the information I just received. Peter was here and he was alive.

"I need to see him." I stood up again.

"Woah, slow down." Cap chuckled, "Ill take you to him but you got to sit in the wheelchair."

I looked at him unimpressed before huffing, a strand of air moving as I released the puff of air.


"Peter?" I called out to the boy softly who was resting in his bed.

"Nat? Oh it's so good to see you!" His lips curled back into a smile.

Steve and Tony left to give us some time to talk, saying they'd come running if we needed anything.

"You look like shit." I joked, wheeling my wheel chair closer to his bed.

Peter chuckled, lips drooping down into a frown before he started crying. His eyes becoming blood shot within a few seconds as his tears ran down his pale cheeks.

"Hey..." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in reassurance, "We'll get her back." My voice cracked near the end and I had to clear my throat.

"I just miss her. They did something... to me. Electro said they're doing the same thing to her. I can't lose my sister." The brunette sniffled.

"What did they do?" I leaned forward in the chair.

"They injected her with the symbiote venom. It's strong and it feeds off the dark parts of you. The thing is pure evil. Your mind gets clouded and my memories are still coming back to me." He explained.

"They're going to use her." A light bulb went off in my head. "But for what?"

"Whatever it is, my sister is becoming a monster and I don't know how to fight a monster without becoming one." Peter replied gravely, trying to fight back a yawn.

I patted his pale hand with my own, "We'll worry about all that tomorrow. Rest."

"Will you be here when I wake up? I don't want to wake up alone." His voice was small and scared, like a kid who was still scared of the monster under his bed.

Nodding my head, I told him I'd stay and that if he needed me that I'd be right here. When Peter had fallen asleep, I bit my lip to hold back from screaming. Hot, angry tears started streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall.

Maybe the only way to fight a monster was to become one, and pray who didn't lose yourself in the process. We all had a long battle ahead of us, y/n included. This wasn't just a physical battle, but a mental battle as well and I knew there would be strain on relationships.

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