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Princess = принцесса

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Princess = принцесса


The Avengers were all broken down, tired and sweaty as they were stripped from their weapons and armor, bodies tied to the chairs in the middle of the room.

"Where's Electro?" Doctor Octavius asked.

"Lightening man is dead!" Thor spat with a triumphant hooray.

"This is just the start. We're going to break you all down and take y/n back!" Tony said calmly, his eyes locked on Otto.

"It's funny you think you'll still be alive after this." One of Ottos metal arms snuck towards Tony, hitting him across the face and leaving a giant cut on his cheekbone.

"Tell us where the tesseract is, and maybe we'll make a deal." Mysterio shoved past Octavius, getting mere inches away from Tony's bruised face.

"You think we know where that cube is? HA!" Tony tossed his head back with a sarcastic Stark laugh.

Mysterio growled and grabbed Tony by the throat. The smell of burning flesh soon wafted under everyone's nostrils, hearing the soft sizzling of Mysterio cooking Tony's flesh with his green magic.

"Y/n!" Natasha whispered huskily, eyes glancing over at the other members of the sinister six to make sure she wouldn't be caught talking to you.

Venom turned towards the red headed girl, only sparing her a glance behind the mask.

"Y/n!" Peter Parker whispered this time, his voice shaky and wobbly.

"Why do you want the tesseract anyway?" Bruce voiced his thoughts.

"If we told you, wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it." Octavius seep chuckle vibrated through his chest.

"VULTURE!" Otto yelled, turning on the heel of his metal arms, "Hack into the computer system. I want to know what SHIELD knows about the tesseract."

"Y/n, please!" Natasha begged, something the assassin never did openly.

Inside y/n could hear her voice, but it seemed to be distorted and a little hazy. Y/n was fighting for control, flashbacks of Gwen's lifeless body floating through her mind. The beast was regaining control the more y/ns hands clawed at the symbiote.

Vulture was occupied with hacking into SHIELDS database, Mysterio was threatening Tony while Sandman and Kraven were no where to be found. Otto was watching this all play out with a sinister smile curling back his teeth, revealing his coffee stained yellow ones.

Natasha looked at the swollen face of Peter Parker, silently nodded her head at the boy before turning towards Thor.

"Call for your hammer." Natasha mumbled quietly. Thor subtly nodded, maneuvering his hand so that is was sticking out a little in front of him.

Stormbreaker flew into Thor's hand with a few sparks of lightening. Natasha used this chance to front flip in her chair onto her back, breaking the wooden chair successfully. Venom roared before charging towards the girl. Peter tipped the rope off his wrists and ankles, swinging over to his sister.

Spider-Man punched Venom in the face, making the symbiote seethe with anger. It was a battle between siblings as they tossed and jabbed at each other with a fair share of punches.

Thor knocked down a charging Mysterio, slicing his suit deeply in his chest area. Vulture was typing away as fast as he could, hoping to squeeze the last bit of information out of the database.

Natasha grabbed the small knife she kept in her bra, cutting Banner, Tony, Cap and the others free from the binds.

Tony pressed a button on his watch, his whole body being encompassed by a new nano suit he was in the process of making.

"Now would be a good time to turn green!" Tony told Banner before shooting a blast at Ottos retreating form.

Peter clawed at the symbiote, trying to pull his sister out. The symbiote growled in fury, spit flying everywhere as it's long pink tongue darted out.

Reaching behind her, Venom ripped Peter off its back and tossed him into the wine shelves in the kitchen. The loud clattering of glass breaking and Peter coughing was music to Venoms ears.

"Stop trying to fight me, Peter!" Venom hissed.

Thor swung Stormbreaker once more, damaging the suit Mysterio was wearing. The thing seemed to glitch, confusing the god of thunder and Mysterio was able to punch him square in the jaw. Thor's head whipped to the side, clearly unamused he was hit by the magic man. With a grunt, Thor tossed Stormbreaker through the air, straight into Mysterios chest.

Mysterios suit glitched before fading away, reveling the man behind the mask. Quentin Beck was revealed, someone who was wronged by Tony Stark. Quentin coughed and spat up some blood, body arching forward when Thor summoned Stormbreaker back into his hand.

Two down, four more to go.

Natasha ran towards Venom, hoping maybe she could get y/n to fight the thing controlling her.

"Y/n, you have to fight this!" Natasha yelled towards her lover, ducking under and incoming punch.

Venom hissed when Nats small knife sliced her side, hitting the assassin with the back of her arm. Quickly Natasha got up from the floor and ran towards y/n.

"I'm not giving up on you!"

"You should! Y/ns dead!" Black webs came out of Venoms wrist, pulling Natasha closer to the symbiote.

Venom slammed the finger against the wall harshly, Natashas vision was slightly blurry in the corners and the back of her head was throbbing.

The symbiote pulled back to reveal y/ns face and blackened eyes.

"Don't be a fool, принцесса. Join us."


"It's Venom. Stop trying to fight me. You'll only end up like Gwen."

The symbiote covered y/ns face, dropping the woman to the ground. Natasha wheezed as she tried to suck oxygen back into her lungs.

Iron Man flew back into the compound after losing sight of Otto. Shooting a blast right into the back of Vulture as he tried to escaped sneakily. The bird screeched before going limp on the floor.

"FRIDAY, play some loud noises for me." Tony told the computer.

Venom shrieked once the high frequency entered her ears, falling onto the floor like her legs gave out from under her.

Tony, Bruce and Thor helped pull y/ns body from the symbiotes hold, Venoms form becoming distorted and uncontrolled without a host.

Y/n screamed once they pulled her out, Tony telling FRIDAY to contain the alien form in a un breakable box for them to destroy later.

Y/n began whimpered, body pale and eyes sunken in with her cheekbones concaved. Dark bags hung under her eyes as she laid in Thor's muscular arms.

"Lady y/n!" Thor gently shook y/ns limp body.

"Y/n?" Peter whimpered as he hobbled over to his sister.

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