Twenty Two.

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New York was being torn apart by good hands stained in blood and vengeance. Y/n swung, lept and ran through the city and on top of buildings to get to the Empire State Building where her mentor was starting his reign.

On the ground, the alpha team fought against Kraven and Sandman, trying to get the two away from each other so they would be easier to take down. With each punch and kick thrown at the other, blood would drip from the cuts and stain the concrete ground.

Everyone would remember this day, no matter how it ended.


"YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS OTTO!" I yelled at my mentor, landing on the roof of the building.

"Nice to see you again, y/n. A shame you don't want a part of this." Otto walked towards me, his brown hair flowing widely in the wind.

"This isn't you Otto. The man I know wouldn't want mass destruction! The man I know is good!"

I ducked under one of his metal arms aiming for my throat, backflipping over it when it came at me from behind again.

"THAT MAN IS DEAD! And I have you to thank for that." Otto screamed.

I shot a web at one of this metal arms, encasing the claw as I charged towards him. I hissed when another claw sliced me in the stomach, ripping open the fabric of my suit as a flow of blood spilled onto the rooftop.

Flipping over another arm, I managed to spin between two oncoming ones and punch the scientist in the face, cracking his black goggles in the right eye.

"Please Otto! Whatever your reason is, it's not worth the lives of innocent people!" I grunted, getting knocked backwards by another metal arm.

I gripped the arm in my hand, shooting a web at his face with my other as I pulled the metal arm with brute strength, tearing it right off from his suit.

Doc Oc roared, the neck vein being prominent as it stood out against his cherry red face. Grunting, I tossed the metal arm straight for him as I charged him once more. Sliding under another one of his arms, I punched him in the dick, his body heaving over and falling onto the roof.

I made my way over to the tesseract machine as quickly as I could while I had the time, trying to pull apart the many wires powering the machine.

My body arched forward, wrists becoming enveloped in the metal arms I helped create as another one tore through my stomach straight through the other side.

"FUCK!" I roared in agony, mouth open in a silent yell of pain as I tasted crimson on my tongue.

"I really should thank you, y/n. If it wasn't for you, none of this would have been possible. These people's blood is on your hands just as much as mine. Embrace it."

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