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WARNING: Smutty smut 😈

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WARNING: Smutty smut 😈


Natasha was the first to lean in, her warm plump lips pressing against mine as if they were molding together. I moved my lips against hers, tilting my head a little to the side as our noses brushed against each other. My hand laid on her cheek, feeling the slight wetness her fallen tears had left behind.

I pulled back gently, wiping the remaining tears from her puffy eyes, heart beating erratically the way her sea green eyes stared loving me at me, sparkling in the sun casting over us from the window.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered softly as if this was our little secret. The walls dripped in warmth and erotic affection, burning and simmering under the embers of our buried love.

A rosy blush rose to her pale cheeks, letting me know something words simple couldn't explain.

"You really want to do this in a hospital bed?" Her hot breath fanned my face when she leaned down, her body arching into me as she slowly circled and grinded her hips.

"Well, if you break me we won't have to move too far." I teased, rubbing my finger tips down her side as she shivered.

"I'll try not to be too rough baby." She gasped in my ear, biting down on the flesh.

I reconnected our lips, sitting up and placing my hands on her moving hips as the want and need for each other bubbled. Nat broke the kissed and tossed her head back with a soft moan.

Attaching my lips to the heated flesh of her neck I bit down harshly to leave a mark, soothing the bruised flesh with my tongue.

"Fuck y/n!" Nat breathed, already out of breath.

Moving to her jaw I left more bruising hickeys on her pale flesh, the love bites standing out tremendously well.

The tips of her manicured nails dug into my cheek as she brought my lips back to hers, pushing her tongue into my mouth and exploring every inch.

Both of us moaned a little louder when the wet muscles made contact, battling for dominance. Eventually I lost, but I used the opportunity to flip our positions and push my body into hers, pinning her down on the small hospital bed.

Nat moaned into my mouth. I began to trail one of my hands down to cup her breast through her suit, the hardening nipple standing to attention.

Our lips broke apart with a wet smack, both of our eyes blown and dilated as pools of lust began swimming in the iris. The redheads lips were swollen and bruised from our battle of dominance and I couldn't help but feel my chest swell with pride looking at her submissive state.

Leaning my head down I placed a trail of wet kisses down to her chest and over the swell of her breast. Tasha's fingers threaded themselves into my hair, gently pulling on the strands as I slowly unzipped the suit.

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