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"Do you remember anything?" Fury asked me.

I nodded my head, fiddling with the ball point black pen between my fingers.

"Vulture said that the sinister six was going to take over the city. What I don't understand is, there's only five guys."

"You said you saw Kraven take your brother. There's six. Maybe he's the last member." Fury sighed heavily, slumping even deeper into the metal hospital chair.

I shook my head vigorously, "No. They're working for someone. I heard them say their boss needs me alive."

"Perfect reason why Peter would be the sixth member. They have your brother and are going to use him to bait you out to kill you." Fury leaned forward, his one brown eye staring at me intensely.

"Even if he is, Peter wouldn't join them!" I hissed.

"And if they threatened your life he would. That boy looks up to you and will do whatever it takes to keep you safe!" Fury told me with a cold edge to his tone.

I tossed my notebook across the room, hearing it hit the glass wall with a thud before dropping to the floor. Pain shot through my entire body, my teeth grinding together as my cheeks got hot. I was embarrassed as the searing pain soon went away with the morphine drip. How could I have been so careless and gotten hurt? How could I have just let them take Peter away?

"I can't lose Peter too." I whispered as if it was our little secret. Afraid that this information would break me if it got into the wrong hands. I guess it was too late for that. I was broken, and the scars were so deep they showed on my skin.

"I know." Nick said standing up, walking to where my notebook was and bending over with a grunt. He grabbed the yellow notebook in his hand before placing back in front of me on the pull out table. "Get some rest."

Fiddling with the pen again I opened the notepad to a fresh new page, the lines aching for me to spill my thoughts. To rip myself open and let the pain and hurt bleed through like an ink stain.

Uncapping the ball point pen with my teeth, the point hovered over the white page. With a sigh I began writing.

There was Vulture, Kraven, Mysterio, Electro, and Sandman. They all had one thing in common and that was to kill me and take over the city. But why?

And then there was Herman Shultz, or Shocker. He escaped with them too and started robbing banks like he was in desperate need for money. The other were off the grid while he was doing this, and then as soon as I stop him, they come and attack. Were they working together? Was Shocker the sixth member of the sinister six? Or was I just overthinking everything.

Groaning my head hit the soft hospital pillow as I took the pen cap from my mouth and placed it back on. My eyes scanned the different needles going in my flesh, staring at the scar I had on my forearm from my lips pressed into a thin line. It was an angry red embedded deep down to the bone. You could see very well where the arrow head lodged itself inside, making the scar look like a x.

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