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I fluttered my eyes open, yawning into my hand as my squinted eyes looked around the familiar apartment as the sun streamed in through the blinds. I groaned softly as my body ached from my spiderwork last night, pushing myself off the couch a little so I was sitting up. The red blanket fell off from around my shoulders and I guess Nat must have cared enough to cover me up.

Running my fingers through my messy hair I noticed a stack of clothes on the armrest of the couch with a note stuck to it. I grabbed the yellow sticky note and began reading the beautiful cursive.

I went to the compound and will be back later. You left some clothes here so feel free to change and shower, breakfast is in the microwave.
        - Nat

A tender smile curled back my lips. Baby steps. Pushing myself off the couch I threw the sticky note away and grabbed the clothes to take a nice shower. It felt nice to move freely around and not be restricted to just the hospital bed, the one everyone and their mom could see you in.

Turning the glass shower knobs I made sure it was the right temperature for me before releasing the water, the streaks spewing out through the metal shower head.

With some difficulty I stripped the spandex suit off my body, letting it clump on the floor. Stepping in the warm water seeped and glided down my sweat and dirt ridden skin. I grabbed the wash cloth and poured some of Nats mango scented body wash on it, scrubbing my body till I felt clean. Rinsing the body wash off, the soapy bubbles clumped together before being swallowed up by the drain.

I washed my hair and rinsed myself off, taking a few moments to just enjoy being back here with Nat, reveling in this moment because I didn't know when I was going to get it again. Reaching for the knobs I turned them off, watching the water die out completely.

Grabbing the white towel to dry my body off, I was able to get dressed, grabbing my suit off the bathroom floor. I brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush Nat set out for me on the marble sink counter. Exiting the bathroom I set my suit down on the couch before going to see what Nat made for breakfast.

A Manila folder caught my eye on the kitchen table, the folder looked worn and a little torn in a few places. I know I shouldn't be snooping but Nat was a secretive person, she wouldn't just leave a folder out in the open for anyone to see. I flipped it open and was greeted by a few notebook pages, scribbled with what looked to be my messy handwriting. On a few other pages, silver pen was contrasting against the blue paper. My brows were furrowed in curiosity as I pulled out a chair and sat down, trifling through the papers.

"I see you found the folder." Nat said, scary me because I wasn't even paying attention.

"I, uh... I wasn't snooping." I gulped.

The ginger chuckled, "It's okay, y/n. That was the folder I was going to show you last night anyway." She shrugged, taking off her leather jacket and hanging it on the coat rack.

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