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"The kid escaped." Electro coughed out a smoke ball in Octavius' face.

The scientist turned his head towards the ball of energy, his facial expression was stoic, "Where did he go?"

Electro shrugged, "Probably back home."

Ottos thin lips curled back into an oily smirk, "Get Venom ready. We leave in five."

The metal arms dug into the concrete ground as the doctor walked away towards a different part of the bunker.

"Don't you want to get her in the training room first!" Electro yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls.

Octavius turned around, "What better way to train her than against the people she calls family."

A evil laugh bubbled out of Ottos throat as he walked away, disappearing around the corner. Electro turned on his heel and walked towards the room Venom was kept in. It was a dark room, not even a rusty light hung from the ceiling. Inside was a just a rusty bucket that acted as the bathroom. The walls were thick concrete with layers of steel behind. Even if Venom did try and escape, screeching noises would go off and bring the creature it it's knees.

"Knock knock, V." Electro chuckled, pounding on the steel door.

Venom shuffled from inside, y/n fighting for control on the inside and losing the battle the more the demons controlled her. All the guilt, anger, frustration, grief, built up and came bubbling out of her throat and into the giant, demonic form.

"It's time to go pay the old family a visit. Maybe do a little catching up with your brother." Electro pounded on the door, rilling up the symbiote from behind the door.

Y/ns scream came out as a roar, running out of the room and bursting through the door. The steel door clambered onto the floor, skidding off to the side. Y/ns face broke free from the tentacles covering her face, teeth still sharp and eyes were still pitch black. The black, small tentacles sticking to her skin. Y/ns hands gripped around Electros throat, squeezing his wind pipe.

"Wow!" Otto yelled in excitement, tilting his head back and laughing in amazement, "I mean, this is incredible!"

Y/n turned her head towards Otto, dropping Electro to the ground with a loud thud. Electro shot a string of lightening at Venom, pissing off the symbiote. Y/ns face disappeared behind the mask of Venom, roaring into Max's face.

"Enough!" Otto yelled, walking closer to the two and using his metal arm to help Electro off the floor, "It's time to go pay the family a visit."


"Your wounds are healing nicely and your stitches are looking good. You should be all healed within a few weeks." The small slap of the latex gloves peeling off Dr. Chos hand once she finished checking my injuries.

"Weeks!?" My voice rose a few octaves. We didn't have weeks. I didn't have weeks. I needed to find y/n and get her back where she was safe. If they really did what Peter said they did, then this wasn't something you wait around for.

"Don't worry, Natasha." Steve placed one of his calloused hands in my shoulder, squeezing gently, "We'll find y/n, and when we do, we'll be ready."

My lips pressed into a thin line, eyes drifting to the ground as I felt myself begin to zone out. Where would we even start to look? Peter wasn't healed enough to take me to the facility they were hiding out in. Maybe his memory wasn't as hazy as yesterday and he could show. Looking back up at my friend Steve, I offered him a tiny smile.

Cho and the blonde man left a few minutes later once I promised I didn't need anything other than rest. Lies. Something I've grown up doing and I was damn good at it.

Once the coast was clear, I tossed the small hospital blanket back and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, screwing my face together as a small wave of pain shot through my body where my stitches were. Pushing through the stabbing pain, I entered the code to my room and watched the glass doors slide open.

Peters room was next to mine so it's not like I had to walk far. Peter waved at me from behind the glass, greeting me once I walked into his room.

"How are you feeling?" I asked walking over to his bed.

"My minds still a little foggy. Other than that, my injuries are healing nicely." He ran his hands through his semi greasy hair, a brown lock falling onto his forehead.

I mindlessly nodded my head, sitting down in the chair a little off to the side. "I was wondering if you remembered anything about the place you were in."

"Umm... I remember it being dark. There were a lot of rooms but I'm not sure what was in them. Other than that, it just seemed like a giant concrete building."

"You escaped, though. Any landmarks stand out?" My body leaned forward in the chair, resting my elbows on my knees.

Peters brown eyes glazed over, one eyebrow cocked up as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. His fingers picking at the skin on his thumb as he tried to remember anything from yesterday.

"It was kinda on the outskirts of town. I remember the giant bridge stretching over the water. So it was on the outer edge of town. That's all I can remember." A frustrated sigh left his chapped lips.

"Hey, it's okay." I smiled weakly at the boy.

"Hey, Peter. You have a few visitors." Tony peered around from the doorway. Tony stepped to the side and in walked Peters girlfriend MJ and his friend Ned. Both of them looked relived to see him, small dark bags under MJs eyes as Ned began tearing up.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Mrs. Romanoff." Tony teased softly from his spot next to me.

"You know I can't rest until I find y/n and the sinister six is gone." I replied.

"I know." The ebony haired man hummed, scratching his stubble softly, "Which is why I think you should see this. Follow me."

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