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Okay so I'm putting it out there that I'm basing some things off the PS4 Spider-Man game, but I'm also going to try and add my own ideas here and there

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Okay so I'm putting it out there that I'm basing some things off the PS4 Spider-Man game, but I'm also going to try and add my own ideas here and there


"Y/n wait up!"

I turned my head away from the opening elevator doors and saw Natasha running towards me, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. I gulped and stuffed my hands in my pockets, glad to be out of my suit.

"H-hey," I cleared my throat, "Hey Natasha."

My eyes drifted down ever so slightly to see her plump lips curve up into a small smile.

"I just wanted to say thank you, for saving my life today." Nat smiled, her pearly white teeth glimmering in the streaming sun.

"Oh that," I waved it off, "It was no big deal. You look amazing in a lot of things but I don't think a giant boulder is really your style." I joked.

Natasha giggled at my bad attempt to be funny, "Still, thank you."

"You're welcome." I whispered softly. My breath hitched in my throat as she ran her pale fingers through her silky red locks.

"I miss you." I blurted out, my cheeks suddenly began to feel hot.


"Y/n!" Maria shouted loudly, her footsteps were heavy as she ran towards Natasha and I. I clenched my jaw because I was so desperate to hear what Natasha had to say to me.

"What?" I couldn't help but growl.

"Shocker escaped. He broke into the city bank. If you leave now you'll be able to catch him." Maria explained, panting lightly from running long distance.

"Another one?" I sighed heavily.

"Here's your suit, Tony patched it up for you." The agent tossed me my black suit.

"I'm coming with you." Natasha Said, turning her body towards me.


"You need to leave. Now!" Agent Hill Said.

"I'm going, I'm going." I glanced at the brunette before quickly putting on my suit. I ran over to one of the windows and pulled it open quickly.

"I'm going with you." The red head stood beside me.

"Then you better hang on tight." I smirked at her behind the mask before lifting her up with one arm, tossing our bodies out of the window.

I felt her fingers dig into my suit as she held onto me tightly, the wind rushing through her fiery locks and into her face. I'll admit I was enjoying having the Avenger in my arms once more, her body providing warmth and comfort. But then I felt disgusted with myself and unworthy to even have her in my arms after what I put her through. Maybe if I wasn't so stubborn and put my work before her, then we'd still be together.

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