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Numb. My entire body, my mind and my heart, numb. I couldn't feel anything. Maybe it was all the sedatives Doc injected into my veins. Or maybe it was the fact that Natasha was dead, my friends all shattered and broken and I couldn't stop them. My own brother, made out to be a monster turning against his friends. His family.

The bullet proof glass door opened and in walked Doctor Octavius with Electro by his side. Of course. They walked closer to me, footsteps heavy with determination.

"Take off her mask." Otto told Electro.

Electro chuckled under his breath, rubbing his hands together like he was about to open the biggest present on Christmas. Max's hands gripped my mask before ripping it off my face. The bright fluorescent light hanging from the ceiling blinded me and burned my irises.

"Y/n Parker, I should have known. Who else would be smart enough to invent such web shooters and gadgets." Otto chuckled deeply.

My mentor walked closer so that he was hovering over my body, his figure casting shadows on my face.

"I want to thank you. Without you, none of this would have been possible."

"What did you do to Peter?" I rasped, my throat parched from screaming and coughing up blood.

"I made him better. Something I'm going to do to you. The Symbiote I released into his body is called Venom. I was fortunate enough to be able to pay for it off the black market." He explained.

"How did you get the money?" I coughed, spitting up some more blood.

"Well since you stopped Shocker, I had to find other ways. Turns out letting out a few of the most dangerous villains pays well." The balding man explained, pouring a cup of water.

"This isn't you, Otto. That thing is messing with your mind." My voice cracked before I coughed some more, hunching over as best as I could with my arms and legs tied together.

"It is me, Parker. This is just the better me." He brought over the small cup of water, holding it to my dry and cracked lips. "Drink."

"No." I glared at him, spitting the blood at his face, the red drops going all over his black goggles.

My face whipped to the side as he backhanded me with one of the metal arms. My cheekbone was throbbing and I felt a warm substance rolling down my skin. I spat more blood out of my mouth, staining the concrete ground.

"I don't think you're in the position to be telling me that." My mentor growled in my ear. "Electro, bring him in."

"You're going to enjoy this, spider." Electro howled with laughter as he exited the room.

"What did you promise them? They didn't join your side willingly." I slumped back in the metal chair.

"Just the things they desired. Electro wants to be pure energy, I can make a cure for Vultures spinal cancer. Mysterio wants to destroy the Avengers, Sandman needs the money for his daughter and Kraven wants you dead."

"And what about Rhino and Scorpion? I assume they work for you now too." My voice cracked once more.

"Rhino wants to be free from the suit of armor he was put in and Scorpion wants his debts erased."

"You make a lot of promises for a guy who's going to prison at the end of this." I wheezed.

Otto let out a genuine laugh, tossing his head back, "You might as well kill me because I'll keep coming back every. Single. Time."

My eyes glanced out the bullet proof window to see Electro wheeling a giant glass box with Venom inside. Attached to the side of the box was a small container that was used to hold different liquids.

"Say hello to your sister, Peter!" Electro slammed his fist down on the glass. Venom roared loudly. 

"Do it!" Otto yelled.

Electro went around to the side and activated something that started blaring loud noises. My eyes began pulsating as the (what sounded like) bat screeches crippled Venom. The black symbiote began ripping from his body, crawling towards the container on the side.

Once all the alien symbiote was off my brothers body, he fell to the ground. His skin looked deathly pale and under his eyes were large, deep, dark bags. Peter looked exhausted and unwell.

"PETER!" I yelled out to him, kicking and rocking my body in the chair to try and break free.

His toffee eyes locked with mine, his arms trying to push himself off the ground but he was too weak he just kept falling. I could see tears start to fall down his face as his cheeks became a light pink.

"Take care of him." Otto dismissed, grabbing the container with the symbiote inside.

"Y/N!" Peter yelled with as much energy as he could, banging on the glass lightly as Electro wheeled him away.

"I swear to go if you-" I growled, my saliva spewing from my mouth.

"-you won't be able to do anything. I'm injecting the symbiote into your body. Once that's done you work for me. Remember, this all could have happened differently."

Ottos haunting laughter bounced around in my head as he inject Venom into my body and then leaving the room.

I screamed in pain when I felt my broken arm get snapped back together like it wasn't broken in the first place, the symbiote doing the same to the rest of my broken cones and cuts. My body was on fire, like I was bathing in hells pits of lava. My screams soon morphed into animalistic roars, my teeth aching as the got sharper and sharper. I felt my eyes burn but I didn't know what was happening. My vision became much more clearer as the symbiote wrapped itself around my head.

My body felt like new—more than new. I didn't even feel like me at all. The strength, the power. Everything. It felt... good. Pushing myself off the floor I looked at my blurry reflection in the metal chair.

"Welcome, Venom." Ottos voice dripped with humor and lethal suggestions as it echoed from the speaker in the corner of my little room.

In my reflection I saw myself smirk. Oh yeah, this power felt good.

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