Twenty One.

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"Where's Octavius now?" Peter asked, all of us looking at the large clear screens in the conference room.

"Last seen was six hours ago. Monitors picked up his facial scan heading on top of the Empire State Building." Steve explained, pressing a small button on the remote he was holding.

"What about Kraven and Sandman? You said they escaped with him." I ran my fingers through my messy hair, sitting up a little more in the black leather swivel chair.

"They're off the grid. We did get reports of Scorpion near the docks on the west end of town. Rhino has also been spotted but he's on the east side."

"What's Scorpion doing near the docks?" Sam pondered out loud.

"He's going to poison the water, killing the fish. He's going to kill off the food supply." Bucky put in his two cents.

"Then we need to get a team together and go after Scorpion and Rhino. I'm going after Octavius." Pushing the chair away from the desk I stood up, heading for the door.

"We need a plan of attack, y/n. You can't just swing up on the guy." Steve scoffed.

"I have a plan, Cap; attack."

"Steve's right y/n. Look I agree we can get teams to handle Rhino and Scorpion, but you can't expect to surprise Octavius when Kraven and Sandman could be right around the corner." Peter stood up and walked towards me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

A blanket of silence fell over all of us, the tension was small as Peter and I stared at each other. Clenching my jaw I sighed through my nose, nodded my head slightly.

"Why are you always right?" I chuckled.

Peter shrugged with a grin taking over his boyish features.

"So how do we stop these guys?" Sam questioned me.

"Kraven is basically a skilled hunter. He's human so a bullet or something should do. Sandman just needs a little water and he's mud. He can't escape or turn to sand when he's mud." I briefed everyone.

"Or we can just get a vacuum cleaner." Tony shrugged, "Nice hickeys by the way, Parker. I see you and Nat have finally rekindled."

I rolled my eyes at Stark and the way he raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Focus, Stark."

"I am.... on those giant love bites. Damn Natasha, were you trying to give y/n here a blood clot?" Stark giggled to himself, spinning around in his chair.

"So what's Octavius doing on the Empire State Building?" The redhead asked.

"He got his hands on the tesseract. What he plans on using it for... I don't plan to find out." Sam shuddered.


"Team Alpha: Stark, Thor, Barton, Romanoff, Y/n. Banner you can still join in." Steve told the scientist.

"No no no. I think I'll sit this one out. Besides, you need someone to guard the tower." Bruce offered a sheepish smile.

"Alright. Team Beta: Quill, Gamora, Groot, Rocket, Drax."

"Team Charlie: Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Peter."

Once Steve was done dividing the teams, Alpha team was going to go after Otto and his three followers, while Beta went after Rhino and team Charlie went after Scorpion.

"You all know what to do. Good luck heroes."


"I'll meet you guys there." I told Nat, seeing the others on my team, minus Stark, waiting for me on the quinjet.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked me, sea green eyes scanning over my face.

"I just need to grab something real fast. Go, we don't have time to stop."

"Y/n I swear if you're going to go and inject that symbiote into you-"

"Tasha, now why would I go and do something stupid like that when I just asked you to marry me." I chuckled to try and ease the gingers nerves.

"...Fine. So help me y/n-"

I cut her off by smashing our lips together, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to my body. Her arm snuck around my body and gripped onto the back of my neck.

"I love you. Now go and I'll meet you there." I pecked her nose and then her forehead, lightly pushing her towards the jet.

"I love you too."

I watched Nat run towards the jet and climbing up the small ramp, telling something to Clint before the drop down ramp began closing and soon the jet was in the sky.

My shoulders sagged as I ran back into the compound and into Tony and Bruce's lab, running into the scientist himself.

"Where's the symbiote?"

"You know the chance of you surviving this time are even lower than last time...." Banner pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I know the risks. This time will be different." I shook my hands and the rest of my limbs as Bruce loaded the symbiote up to inject into my bloodstream.

"How? This thing kills you from the inside."

"Just trust me on this, Banner." I growled.

"You know what... no. I'm not going to do this." The gruff man set the syringe down on the metal table before backing up a few steps.

"Oh come on!" I scoffed.

"No! Listen to me, I'm not going to be the one to tell Natasha that I was apart of killing her girlfriend! That news will break her! You didn't see her when she thought you could die, when I told her how slim the chance was you'd even survive the separation as this things host!" Bruce spat.

I didn't say anything, footsteps heavy as I walked towards the syringe filled with Venom. Reaching for the object I picked it up, watching the symbiote try and break its way out of the glass to get on my body. My grip on the glass tightened, the small particles of Vemon reaching and sticking to the glass container.

"You're right." I admitted. "Destroy it." I tossed him the syringe, Bruce catching it in his hands clumsily.

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