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Ughhh she's so gorgeous 😍

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Ughhh she's so gorgeous 😍


"A masked person destroys city bank. And no I'm not talking about Herman Shultz, the villain who is known for his criminal record. I'm talking about Spider-Woman! And let's not forget Black Widow, a dangerous spy from the Avengers was there too! Spider-Woman doesn't care about the city! The city is just her playground! She couldn't have waited till Shocker was OUTSIDE to do any damage? She probably would have slammed into a few cars. Spider-Woman doesn't care about us or this city! Let the police officers do their JOB!"

I scoffed once Jameson's broadcast ended, reaching over to turn off my radio that was on my nightstand near my unmade bed. No matter what I did for this city, somehow Jameson found a way to make me look like the bad guy. He did that with Peter too. It was like I couldn't win. I pinched the bridge of my nose when my head began pounding against my skull. Why couldn't this Tylenol just kick in already?

"You know you shouldn't listen to those broadcasts. It's a bunch of bullshit if you ask me." Peter came strolling into my room.

"He has a point though." I sighed.

"Don't let him get into your head, y/n. You have to go with the cards you were dealt. Yeah you destroyed a bank, but nobody got hurt." Peter sat down on the end of my bed.

"I destroyed a bank, Peter. People are jobless because of me right now." I slowly sat up on my bed, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my skull.

"But nobody's dead." Peter emphasized before standing up and heading towards my door.

"What are you doing in here anyway?" I asked, effectively changing the subject.

"Natasha said you had a concussion so I'm bringing boxes of your stuff in your room for you. And plus I wanted to check up on you and see if you needed anything." Peter scratched the back of his neck.

I shook my head no, thanking my brother for being so kind and moving the few boxes into my room. I stared at the boxes in the corner of my room that were just lingering there, cardboard still soggy from the rain drops that had soaked in. Swallowing the small lump in my throat I laid back down on my bed.

"So I was thinking, tomorrow you can take some pics of me in my suit and you in yours if you want. Plus some pictures around the city. I know Jameson is on your ass trying to get a new article out." My brother said, plopping down on my bed once more.

I shrugged, "Sounds fun. I miss hanging out with you like old times."

"I miss hanging with you too. We can go when I get out of school tomorrow." Peter kissed my cheek before leaving to go to Aunt Mays for the night.


"I think it's best for you to start looking for a different job, y/n." Otto sighed, putting a cardboard box on one the messy tables.

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