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The continuing voice of Bruce Banner became just background noise and replaced by a violent ringing bursting my ear drums. My body was riddled in goosebumps and I poked my tongue out to wet my dry and cracked lips. Numb. It was like I was injected my some paralytic poison Scorpion used, the poison traveling down all my veins and into my nervous system.

"Oh." My voice was monotonous as I kept my gaze on the small tv in the corner.

"I kissed back, but then I realized what was happening. I'm sorry y/n." Bruce sighed, curling in on himself trying to stop the flow of embarrassment.

I shook my head, finally meeting his pleading eyes, "I'm not going to lie and say I'm not mad. But I think we have bigger problems to worry about than my love life."

"You know Nat cares about you-"

"-She must have a funny way of showing it." I scoffed, "I should have just stayed gone. I shouldn't have tried." I whispered bitterly.

"Don't say that. I'm sure Natasha has a good reason for what she did." Bruce replied, his voice wavering towards the end and I knew he was still confused about the gingers intentions.

"Maybe." I replied dryly.

"I just thought I'd tell you. If there's anything you need, just let me know." The scientist rose from his chair and walked over to the bed, hand raising as he hovered it over my shoulder and then pulling it back, deciding it wouldn't be wise to touch me right now.

"Actually there is." I called out to him just as his hand encompassed the doorknob.

Banner turned around and raised one of his bushy eyebrows.

"I need you to get me the symbiote."

"Y/n that's suicide. You've barely been in the hospital more than a day and you barley made it out of that thing alive." Banner shook his head, stepping away from the door and walking further into the room.

"Banner this thing can heal me."

"Yeah by killing you!" He yelled.

"People are going to die! I refuse to have more blood on my hands!" I slammed my fist down on the small table in front of me.

"Why do you think you have to do this alone? You have people willing to help you and die for you and you want to do some lone wolf act!?"

"Because..." I said quietly, "I created him, Bruce. I gave him the idea and the blueprints. This is my fight!"

"I'm sorry y/n." Bruce sighed before turning on his heel and exiting the small hospital room I was in.

I growled in frustration, my teeth grinding together. The door swung open a few moments later, Peter and Natasha walking in.

"Y/n!" Peter smiled, sprinting over to me and plopping his body on top of mine in an awkward hug.

I chuckled, patting his flannel covered back, "Hey Pete."

"It's so good to see you. I thought I-" Peter cried softly into my neck, salty tears washing over my skin.

"I missed you too." I sniffled, hugging him tighter.

"How do you feel?" Nat asked, smiling softly at me.

"I'm fine." I replied casting her a quick glance.

"Hey Pete, can you give Natasha and I a minute alone?" I softly asked my brother.

His brown eyebrows wiggles up and down in a suggestive manner, shooting me a wink before skipping out of the room. Shaking my head with a chuckle I finally made eye contact with the redhead.

"I thought you were dead."

"It's gonna to take a lot to kill me." She smirked, "Water?"

"Uh sure." I nodded, pushing myself up a little further on the bed.



Bringing the glass cup to my lips I let the cold water glide down my dry throat, relief setting in.

"So," I set the cup on the small table next to me, "How many people did I-"

"Don't." Nats voice cracked slightly, "Don't punish yourself for something you had no control over."

"But I did. Well I sort of did. I had moments where I could control the symbiote for a short amount of time but..." I sighed, "Nat I need the suit. I need to stop Otto and the sinister six."

"You want to get in the same suit that nearly killed you? That nearly killed me?" Nat presses firmly, taken back by my demands.

"I thought it took a lot to kill you." I teased.

Nat shook her head, looking down at her black boots as a hint of a smile threatened to crack at her lips.

"I'm not letting you get back in that suit. Banner can-"

"Of course!" A heartfelt chuckle escaped my lips, tossing my head back. "Of course you pick Banner!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Her dark eyebrows furrowed cutely on her face.

"You know exactly what I mean. You think I wouldn't find out?" I spat.


"YOU KISSED BANNER, NATASHA!" I bellowed, feeling my heart beat vigorously against my chest.

"How did-"

"Banner told me just a few moments ago." The words left my lips in a soft and broken whisper.

Shutting my eyes I tried to settle the storm brewing inside me. How I wanted nothing more than to punch and tear Banner a new one. I couldn't no matter how much I wanted to. Not now.

"It didn't mean anything." Nat protested watery, "I promise."

"So why'd you do it?"

"He said there was a slim chance you'd survive being removed from the symbiote as it's host. I got scared. I felt helpless and I felt like... I felt like there was a weight in my chest that was suffocating me. I just wanted to feel something again, to know that I was still alive."

Tears ran freely from her puffy emerald eyes, down her rosy cheeks, splashing on the tiled floor.

"I really do care about you, y/n. I love you." The spy choked out.

I sniffled, wiping my nose with the back of my hand, "I need the symbiote , Tasha."

"Please don't do this." Nat begged, kneeling down to my level, our faces mere inches apart.

"I have to. I have to finish this." Raising my hand I gently tucked a strand of wine red hair behind her ear.

"Then you're not doing this without me." Her thumb began tracing my bottom lip, ghosting the healing cut I had.

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