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POV skips a lot

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POV skips a lot


Bruce was the first one to break the forceful kiss. He may have feelings for the redhead, but this isn't how he wanted their first kiss to go. It hurt him because he knew she was only using him as a substitute while y/n was gone. The entire thing must have taken a toll on her. Bruce also wasn't sure where her and y/n even stood. He had only heard of their breakup but wasn't sure if they had gotten back together since.

"Natasha this isn't right." Bruce said in a thin voice, a hint of annoyance in his tone. The annoyance more so covered the hurt his heart was feeling in his chest, slamming loudly against his bones.

"I'm sorry. I-I I don't know what I-...." Natashas words were wobbly, thick with guilt and fear. The gingers throat constricted a few times, all the words she wanted to say being swallowed up.

"It's fi-"

Bruce was cut off by a loud banging noise coming from somewhere inside the compound. A few more bangs were heard as both of them stood up quickly, Natasha grabbing her gun and slowly opening her bedroom door.


The hallway was semi dark minus the flickering light as I pointed my gun down both ends. My breathing was quite and suppressed as I exited my room in the compound, hearing another loud bang come closer.

Bruce and I walked down the hallway slowly, making sure we weren't spotted by the enemy inside the building. I jumped back into Bruce as we watched Tony in his Iron man suit get thrown through the walls in front of us. Mysterio flying through the hole in the wall after him.

"Come on, we got to get to the medic bay and make sure Peter is okay." Bruce ran past me.

"Go on! I'm going to join in!" I yelled after his retreating figure, running into the living room of compound to see everything destroyed. I mean it looked like a tornado came through here.

I hissed once my stomach harshly slammed into the cold marble floor, quickly turning over to see Kraven with a predatory smirk curling back his lips.

"Nice to see you're alive and well, Black Widow." He spat, tossing his glistening knife up and down.

"Should make sure someone's dead before you leave." I replied wittily, standing up and pointing my gun at him.

"Just tell us where the tesseract is and we'll be on our way." Sandman appeared next to him.

"Not going to happen." I shot a few bullets at Kraven, of course the brute was expecting it.

Kraven lunged for me, his combat knife aiming for my throat. Sandman disappeared again in a thin puff of sand. I was able to duck under the blade and hit him in his muscular stomach with my pistol.


I made it to the medic bay safely, Peters room was empty as the blanket and sheets were a wrinkled mess on the floor. He must have gotten out in a hurry... or at least I hope he did.

Outside the walls I could hear the faint fighting sounds as we all tried to stop the sinister six. My ears perked up when I heard a small creak coming from above me. Glancing up, I saw Peters friends inside the vent on the ceiling.

"Are you guys alright?" I whispered.

The light skin girl nodded her head, her tongue poking out to wet her lips before she spoke, "Peter helped us in here once we heard fighting."

"Where is he now?" I pressed.

The girl shrugged awkwardly, "He said he was going to go see what was going on. He just grabbed his suit and then left."

I nodded, craning my head to look towards the glass doors in case someone was coming towards us, "I'm going to get you guys out of here. Jump down and I'll catch you."


"WHERES MY SISTER?!" I barked out at Electro, adjusting my position on the white wall.

"I wouldn't worry about her anymore." Electro cackled.

"Where is Lady y/n?" Thor bellowed, gripping stormbreaker in his hand.

"Y/ns dead! It's Venom now." Max spat.

I pushed myself off the wall and lunged for Electro. My gloved hands wrapped around his throat as we both tumbled onto the floor. He coughed and wheezed once my grip became stronger. I used my webs to wrap him up like how spiders did their prey.

"Thor! I need you to summon some lightening and aim it at Electro!" I grunted as I tried to make sure Max couldn't escape from the webbing.

The god pointed stormbreaker into the air and loud claps of thunder and lightening ignited the sky. Electros hand broke free from the webbing, me trying to quickly restrain him once more.

"On my signal!" I yelled in pure panic. A jolt of lightening went through my body, a searing pain burning through my suit and heating up my flesh.

"NOW THOR!" I screamed in agony.

Thors eyes flowed a mystic shade of blue as he pointed his hammer towards Electro, long streaks of lightening shooting into his heart. I felt the power surge into my body, eyes rolling back into my head as I collapsed onto the floor.


The lightening and energy Thor shot at Electro was too much for Max to handle. When you overpower a battery the battery explodes. Max was like a giant battery and Thor over powered him. The member of the sinister six burst into tiny particles until he was nothing. One down, five to go.

Thor ran over to check on Peter, pulling the boy into his arms and leaning his head on his chest to hear his heart beat. It was faint but it was there. Thor picked Peter up and flew him outside, seeing Banner with Peters friends.

Tony and Captain America were dealing with Mysterio and Vulture. Natasha was fighting Kraven while the Guardians were trying to take down Vulture. The other members in the compound were helping evacuate a few SHEILD agents to safety.

Natashas head whipped towards the giant glass window in the living room as the pieces scattered onto the floor. Venom burst through into the room, a sickening roar as she did. After her came Octavius himself.

Octavius turned towards Venom, a crooked smile on his face, "Deal with them."

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