Twenty Three.

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Italics = Venom talking

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Italics = Venom talking


"Well your vitals are normal and there's no signs of injury. Venom really did heal you."

Told you so.

I chuckled softly to myself, thanking Dr. Cho and Banner once they were done updating my charts.

"I can't believe you're getting married and don't want your brother to be there." Peter smiled softly at me.

I pulled him into a hug, "You can come to the dinner. This time off-"

"-Don't worry about. You deserve this time off, considering everything that's happened. You deserve to be happy."

"Thanks Pete." I patted his back before both of us separated from the hug.

"Well jets all ready for you and Nat, bags are even packed and ready. Have fun at the island kid and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Tony hit my arm before walking away.

"Watch over New York for me." I told Peter, adjusting the back pack slung over my shoulder.

"You got it. When you come back, maybe the spider siblings can swing together again."

I grinned, "I'd like that."

"Yes!" Peter squealed.


"Can't believe SHEILD has some remote island they never use." I shook my head in amusement, the nippy salty breeze blowing through my hair wildly.

"It was nice of them to let us use it for our honey moon, though." Natashas lips twitched up into a smile, eyes fluttering closed as she let the small water droplets coming up from the boat splash on her face.

The rumbling of the boats engine came to a quiet stop as I pulled the boat next to the dock and tied the rope around the poll. I gathered our bags and put them on the wooden dock, hoisting myself up before stretching my hand out for Natasha to take, her diamond ring sparkling in the glow of the moon overhead.

Someone is here.

"Shut up." I mumbled through my teeth as I smiled at my wife, helping her onto the dock.

I don't like this.

"And I don't like you talking." I fake coughed into my arm.

"Are you okay?" Nat asked softly.

I nodded, "Yeah, it's just a little cold. How about we go see that hot tub Tony was talking about." I wiggles my eyebrows suggestively.

"Mhmm chrisen the place?" Her pearly white teeth sunk into her bottom lip, looking even more full without the lipstick she was previously sporting.

The corners of my lips twitched up into a delicious smirk, pulling her closer by her hips, "Read my mind, love."

Natasha squealed when I picked her up bridal style, ready to carry her through the threshold of the home on the island we'd be staying in for awhile.

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